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I'm mean, I've heard of him, he played on the Bills during the 90's. He was a pretty good DE and he knows how to play football. Or we could bring back Mark Kelso...if he wore that crazyhelmet on the sidelines while coaching...that would sell tickets.



Seriously though, randomly picking a name out of Bills history because they were a good player and saying, "I'd watch more Bills games if he were the coach..." or "He knows football so he has to be a good coach." News flash, every single player in the NFL knows how to play football, and is reasonably good at it or else they wouldnt be in the NFL (even though numerous bills players seem to have proved me wrong on that statement this year). right now, how many HC's or even coordinators in the league were star players? Not many, so I'm not seeing the logic in bringing a star player to coach.


If, and this a major if, there were one former Bill right now that I would consider for any type of a coaching job it would be Alex Van Pelt, and most likely nothing more than a QB coach/Assistant Coach. Anyone who has listned to Alex on the radio will most likely agree with me on this.


What this team lacks/needs more than anything right now is a coach who'll instill a little bit of fear in them when they act like idiots or give em a swift kick in the ass when they are on the field taking plays off. We also need a coach who on 3 and 10 with the game on the line isnt going to take his star players off the field and run a draw with the change of pace back. right now, with possibly the exception of Sam Wyche, I dont see anyone on the current staff who fits that description.


The only problem is, I don't see any coaches that are avaliable that fit that description right now. Truthfully, after we fired GW, Tom Coughlin was the guy I wanted to fill that job more than anyone...however, he wanted nothing to do with Buffalo and now I can see why.


so I cant name a coach that I really want to see in Buffalo, but I have the credentials I would like to see in the next.


1. Strong Leader/motivator

2. No nonsense attitude

3. Previous head coaching experience (not necessarily NFL, but extremely preferred)

4. Not afraid to discuss football with the media

5. Cold weather experience (odd request I know)

6. Is willing to keep Bobby April, Krumrie, McNally, and Wyche on the staff.


Well, I'm ready to stand back and let you all priase or crucify me here, but I do want to see some serious HC prospect ideas, other than JJ (his hair wouldnt survive a Buffalo winter).


What is up with all of you people wanted ex-Bills who seemed half smart to be the coach? I takes a special breed to be a successful coach - this franchise needs someone who has proven they can do it. Enough of this dreaming of a perfect world dammit....

I'm not sure I like the idea...but I heard he was seen at Buffalo Airport today...




George frequents the Buffalo Niagara Int' on almost a biweekly basis for a 5 dollar beer and to see if anyone recognizes him....he's definately no master of disguise

What is up with all of you people wanted ex-Bills who seemed half smart to be the coach?  I takes a special breed to be a successful coach - this franchise needs someone who has proven they can do it.  Enough of this dreaming of a perfect world dammit....




did you read the whole post or just the first paragraph...

1. Strong Leader/motivator

2. No nonsense attitude

3. Previous head coaching experience (not necessarily NFL, but extremely preferred)

4. Not afraid to discuss football with the media

5. Cold weather experience (odd request I know)

6. Is willing to keep Bobby April, Krumrie, McNally, and Wyche on the staff.



A couple of thoughts:


1) Name a coach without a "pro-nonsense" attitude?


2) I think the biggest mistake you can make when hiring a Head Coach is to dictate his assistants to him. If you are going to be a Head Coach, you need to be the *HEAD* Coach. That means you get to choose your own guys and your own staff. You can't go dictating 50% of a Head Coach's staff to him. It blurs the chain of command, impedes their ability to work together, and undermines your new Coach. So yes, if we are going to dump Mularkey, we have to be willing to dump the entire coaching staff - including Bobby April.



I'm mean, I've heard of him, he played on the Bills during the 90's.  He was a pretty good DE and he knows how to play football.  Or we could bring back Mark Kelso...if he wore that crazyhelmet on the sidelines while coaching...that would sell tickets.

Seriously though, randomly picking a name out of Bills history because they were a good player and saying, "I'd watch more Bills games if he were the coach..." or "He knows football so he has to be a good coach."  News flash, every single player in the NFL knows how to play football, and is reasonably good at it or else they wouldnt be in the NFL (even though numerous bills players seem to have proved me wrong on that statement this year).  right now, how many HC's or even coordinators in the league were star players? Not many, so I'm not seeing the logic in bringing a star player to coach.


If, and this a major if, there were one former Bill right now that I would consider for any type of a coaching job it would be Alex Van Pelt, and most likely nothing more than a QB coach/Assistant Coach.  Anyone who has listned to Alex on the radio will most likely agree with me on this.


What this team lacks/needs more than anything right now is a coach who'll instill a little bit of fear in them when they act like idiots or give em a swift kick in the ass when they are on the field taking plays off.  We also need a coach who on 3 and 10 with the game on the line isnt going to take his star players off the field and run a draw with the change of pace back.  right now, with possibly the exception of Sam Wyche, I dont see anyone on the current staff who fits that description.


The only problem is, I don't see any coaches that are avaliable that fit that description right now.  Truthfully, after we fired GW, Tom Coughlin was the guy I wanted to fill that job more than anyone...however, he wanted nothing to do with Buffalo and now I can see why.


so I cant name a coach that I really want to see in Buffalo, but I have the credentials I would like to see in the next.


1. Strong Leader/motivator

2. No nonsense attitude

3. Previous head coaching experience (not necessarily NFL, but extremely preferred)

4. Not afraid to discuss football with the media

5. Cold weather experience (odd request I know)

6. Is willing to keep Bobby April, Krumrie, McNally, and Wyche on the staff.


Well, I'm ready to stand back and let you all priase or crucify me here, but I do want to see some serious HC prospect ideas, other than JJ (his hair wouldnt survive a Buffalo winter).


I can think of a candidate that fits all those criteria - and he's available!


Bring back Marv.

A couple of thoughts:


1) Name a coach without a "pro-nonsense" attitude?


2) I think the biggest mistake you can make when hiring a Head Coach is to dictate his assistants to him.    If you are going to be a Head Coach, you need to be the *HEAD* Coach.  That means you get to choose your own guys and your own staff.      You can't go dictating 50% of a Head Coach's staff to him.  It blurs the chain of command, impedes their ability to work together, and undermines your new Coach.    So yes, if we are going to dump Mularkey, we have to be willing to dump the entire coaching staff - including Bobby April.





Not saying any coach is pro nonsense, but some coaches are more strict than others and this team could use a bit more discipline.


And yeah I know most coaches want their own guys, "The Good Old Boy" system and I can understand that. So let me rephrase this a bit, I would hope that the next coaching canidate would seriously consider keeping the aforementioned coaches on board, the biggest one being April

How 'bout Dave Hanson...or Steve Hanson...or Jeff Hanson?






Or those kids who sang that MMMMMMMM Bop song....They were called Hanson

Or those kids who sang that MMMMMMMM Bop song....They were called Hanson




Let the entire staff have the last name Hanson. At least that'll give those awful ESPN announcers something to talk about....for all four quarters...and half time. Man does Theisman suck.

I suggest we hire Saddam Hussein as our new HC.  He doesn't have much knowledge of football but he has some excellent motivational tecniques!  0:)




you watch how fast those receivers run with the battery cables attached to their privates!

I suggest we hire Saddam Hussein as our new HC.  He doesn't have much knowledge of football but he has some excellent motivational tecniques!  0:)






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