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Have no doubt.

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Some more thoughts from the weekend...


I really didn't realise how horrible this team is right now. It took me a live game to see how truly bad our team is top to bottom. It stinks. The OL is clearly the biggest need for the next season or two - and I think we are at least 2 more seasons from competing. If you haven't seen a live game this year you will nto understand how shabby this team looks. TV doesn't do them justice.


JP has so much to work on it is untrue. I really like the kid and I am at times impressed. But he has no help whatsoever up front and they are somehow managing to help him get progressively worse. I am concerned that confidence in him is on the wane both at OBD and with the fans. Trial by fire and he has failed to carry a poor team. While he stunk and has stunk at times this season, he's made mistakes we knew he would make when he was drafted. We just haven't got 10 other guys that can help rectify those mistakes - and while he could be a good QB, he'll be lost in nowehere long before he gets a shot to prove it.


The attitude around OBD is extremely subdued. Make no mistake - we are about to see a GREAT deal of change in this organisation come January. I don't even think it will be long after week 17 that things start moving. TD is clearly on his way out - he is a man fighting for his life. The short time he spent in the Press Box I saw him grab binoculars and scanning the crowd to see signs being held up and calling to have them removed from the offenders. Sad to see a 'guru' reduced to petty things like that and an example of his preoccupation with things that don't matter.


Modrak could be the guy that takes over. People treated him with a great deal of respect. He has the air of a man who is ready to move on up.

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JP has so much to work on it is untrue.

That must be slang in England, similar to our, "That's unreal." I noticed it a few times in your "blog" post as well. Interesting. :doh:


The short time he spent in the Press Box I saw him grab binoculars and scanning the crowd to see signs being held up and calling to have them removed from the offenders.

Really? I guess I had just assumed security in general was on the lookout for this, not that TD was calling people out. That's kinda lame. :lol:


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The short time he spent in the Press Box I saw him grab binoculars and scanning the crowd to see signs being held up and calling to have them removed from the offenders.


Were you really able to tell from your seat what he was doing in the press box? If he would want something done like this, I can't see him doing it himself. That's what interns and security personnel are for.


Maybe he was scanning the crowd for UDFAs.

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That must be slang in England, similar to our, "That's unreal."  I noticed it a few times in your "blog" post as well.  Interesting. :doh:

Really?  I guess I had just assumed security in general was on the lookout for this, not that TD was calling people out.  That's kinda lame. :lol:



Obviously Ralph has stripped him of all duties so he can only resort to bullying "jerks" in the stadium.


I have had to stomach some god awful crow as a result of my early and somewhat recent support for this fascist GM wanna be.

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Were you really able to tell from your seat what he was doing in the press box?  If he would want something done like this, I can't see him doing it himself.  That's what interns and security personnel are for.


Maybe he was scanning the crowd for UDFAs.


I have no doubt this is what he was doing. I was sat less than 5 or 6 people away from him in the Press box... hence - I am clear this is what he was doing.

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Were you really able to tell from your seat what he was doing in the press box? If he would want something done like this, I can't see him doing it himself. That's what interns and security personnel are for.


Maybe he was scanning the crowd for UDFAs.




I have no doubt this is what he was doing.  I was sat less than 5 or 6 people away from him in the Press box... hence - I am clear this is what he was doing.



In a very cultured way Nick is saying "Do you know who your !@#$ing with?" Sorry Tortured Soul you've been silenced! :doh:

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Your comments about JP's confidence and about TD with his binoculars (accurate or not) epitomize TD's downfall - prioritizing team marketing and fan approval over the bottom line of winning. Drafting OL isn't as sexy as landing the next hyped QB or RB or WR. And trading away picks for Bledsoe and Losman, while drafting guys like McGahee, Evans, and Parrish, appeared to be the better marketing route to TD.


However, what TD didn't get is that Buffalo sports fans are generally smarter than the average fan, and they will realize that those "sexy" skill position players are only as effective as the "boring" drafted linemen in front of them. Coming from the similar sports town of Pittsburgh, TD should have known better. I think it had something to do with him trying to prove to the Rooneys and to the rest of the NFL how much of a clever genius he was...but it backfired horribly...at our expense....for 5 years....and maybe longer now with the new rebuilding effort.


It's something to think about for all those fans reading this who are getting excited about the opportunity to draft Matt Leinart this April. I'm not denigrating anyone's football opinion here; I'm just saying that at some point we have to get stronger along the OL, and for JP's sake - the already chosen centerpiece of this franchise - that some point should be ASAP. Jim Kelly, Todd Collins, Doug Flutie, Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, and now JP Losman. There's a disturbing pattern here. And if so many of us Joe Schmoes can see it, why can't Bills management see it?


The bewilderment for me - and for many others - began in March 2003. Whether or not MW was to become a bust, the second half of the '02 season indicated that the OL still wasn't close to being good enough. And yet the Bills did not continue addressing it. All we have to show for the OL since March 2003 is Ben Sobieski, Chris Villiaral, Jason Peters, Lawrence Smith, Dylan McFarland, Bennie Anderson, Mike Gandy, Justin Geisinger, and Raymond Preston :doh: . Notice how none of those guys were day 1 draft picks, and only 1 (the rapidly aging CV) cost us more than peanuts on the free agent market.



PS: I'm relieved that you had a great time in Buffalo over the weekend. Yes, I intentionally used the word "relieved."

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The attitude around OBD is extremely subdued.  Make no mistake - we are about to see a GREAT deal of change in this organisation come January.  I don't even think it will be long after week 17 that things start moving.  TD is clearly on his way out - he is a man fighting for his life.  The short time he spent in the Press Box I saw him grab binoculars and scanning the crowd to see signs being held up and calling to have them removed from the offenders.  Sad to see a 'guru' reduced to petty things like that and an example of his preoccupation with things that don't matter.


Hear that, Harv/PIA? Busted by the Man himself! 0:)


Seriously, though, Nick - great meeting you, and it sounds like you truly enjoyed the trip of a lifetime. (Well, except for the small matter of the game itself....)

At least you had Van's standup routine to keep you amused while the score snowballed in the wrong direction....

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Your thread title reminds me of one of my first trips to Vegas. Got in a cab. Driver gave me a flyer to one of those legal brothels. They had the same motto: "Have no doubt. We suck hard."


Good times.



Well, finally hooked up with Alena. Moon covered by clouds. Crappy day.


NOW what do I do? I'm lost without the walk.



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