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I am now having Bills nightmares


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I had a dream last night where we did a fake punt on 4th down and Moorman made enough for the first but then tried a drop kick that hit the upright.....I honestly woke up pissed off and got even moere so when I realized that with this team we may just see something that stupid......


It honestly woke me up.....

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This obviously was a dream. In a game, Moorman would attempt an option pass to Damien Shelton (who is the designated drop-kicker in this scenario) after the fake statue of liberty by Roscoe Parrish. Shelton would trip on his way out to receive the pass, resulting in a backwards pass which would be picked up by the opposition and run in for a touchdown.


When questioned after the game MM would remark on how they just need to execute that play better....

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