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Van Miller Interviewed on Denver Radio


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the accuracy issue is a real problem, and i'm concerned about it.



I'll be concerned with it the day the Bills utilize the backs and TE in the passing game and JP's completion % is still around 50%. Most QBs have a completion % of around 50 if you take away all the short dump off stuff they throw. The problem is that JP is the anti Holcomb, he doesn't throw nearly enough safe short-stuff that works as an extension of the running game and gets that completion % to around 60.


Once JP learns to check down more often and the coaching staff learns to utilize the short passing game more JPs accuracy will look fine. JP has looked good since he came back up until last weekend, one bad week and people want to throw him overboard.

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I don't know if those two "over the top" throws say that JP has the necessary accuracy to start in this league. Van was talking more about the many balls "that JP has bounced in front of his receivers" and fitting the ball into tight spots.


Van acknowledged that the weather was cold in the NE game, but went on to add that Brady wasn't affected by it on the same field.



The bounce passes are signs of a skitish QB who doesn't have confidence in his OL. If you watch Brady (or any other good QB) he stands in the pocket oblivious to everything except the WRs downfield. JP is freak'n out on almost every snap (again) and looking at the pass rush too much instead of downfield.


That said, he doesn't appear to be getting much coaching or play calling that capitalizes on his strengths.

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I don't know if those two "over the top" throws say that JP has the necessary accuracy to start in this league. Van was talking more about the many balls "that JP has bounced in front of his receivers" and fitting the ball into tight spots.


Van acknowledged that the weather was cold in the NE game, but went on to add that Brady wasn't affected by it on the same field.



You mean to tell me a first year rook in his first game in the snow struggled with the weather while a top tier QB with THREE Super Bowls under his belt and plays in the cold and snow in New England did NOT struggle with the weather?


Gee Van....thats some insight!!!!!!!!! Whats next, youre going to pontificate about how Pam Anderson has an easy time getting into Playboy and Roseanne Barr doesnt?

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If the management staff is stupid enough to spend another high pick on a QB this year I think I'll lose it. I don't care if Losman turns out to a total bust, the team's never going to get better making picks like that.

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Van acknowledged that the weather was cold in the NE game, but went on to add that Brady wasn't affected by it on the same field.



Brady has 6 years of experience in the league compared to JP's 1.....

I agree though that JP needs to really improve on the accuracy of his

short passes....The short passes are the BREAD and Butter in the NFL

these days.....These days teams hardly throw the ball deep.......Most

of the game plans are to keep the chains moving with short and

accurate passes that get 5-10 yards....

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Funny, but it would be hard for the bills to pass up on Leinhart regardless of JP's potential.


Leinhart will be more of a sure thing in the NFL then JP, and as much as I like JP and will be in his corner for the next 2 years regardless of what Bills fans say, we cannot afford to pass up on Leinhart if he falls in our lap.


passing up on Leinhart would be painful in the next 10 years as he goes to multiple probowls and lights up the league.


JP has potnetial, but JP at his best IMO still won't match what Leinhart does in the NFL IMO


Gut the veterans on this team besides Fletcher and Spikes and rebuild

If the Bills continue to lose the rest of their games with JP at the helm, and becuase of this Leinhart falls to us then JP will have made the decision easy for us. Bring in Leinhart and let JP and Leinhart duke it out for starting position similiar to what SD did with Rivers and Brees.


Nobody can say SD made a mistake picking up Rivers after they already had Brees.



The NFL Draft is a lottery and like a lottery there is only few haves and many

misses.....For every Peyton Manning there have been many failures in

Ryan Leaf, Heath Shuler, Tim Couch, Akili Smith......And then there are

SB winners in 6th rounders and backups....You never know how it is going to

play out....JP has the tools to succeed in the NFL...will he, it depends on so

many other factors....

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In other words, Eli's best has been far above JP's best, and JP's worst seems to be slightly below to well below Eli's worst.  Is Eli's worst below JP's best?  Yes.  Is Eli just as bad as JP?  I don't think that it is even close.



That's good stuff, man.

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Okay folks, there's no question that the O-Line MUST be upgraded. But, behind the SAME O-Line (an upgraded one, we assume), would you rather have Leinart or JP?


Here's my votes:


1) Behind this current O-line I'd take JP, because it won't make any difference anyway, and the line must be addressed.


2) Behind an average O-line It's almost a toss up: JPs mobility vs. Leinart being (allegedly) more polished and accurate


3) Behind a good O-Line (hopefully someday). . . I've got to take Leinart in that case. I'm thinking of Carson Palmer with Willie Anderson and Levi Jones at the bookends.


So, assuming we eventually address the line and make it a good one, I'd prefer Leinart. However, taking Leinart would certainly slow down the process of making the line better. It is a catch-22 somewhat.


But, the last time we took an O-lineman with the 4th pick . . . ummm, nevermind.

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I can't get through all these posts but some of you are nuts to be unconcerned about JP's accuracy. He has played 8 or 9 games and I still don't know whether he will be decent or just another Rob Johnson?!? He's not even as good as Johnson yet. When he gets time he needs to step up and show some accuracy. A few bombs are about all we've seen and I'm starting to think those were an aberration. The short and mid-range throws will make or break him.

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Accuracy? Those two td's in the KC game told me he can play in the NFL.



Actually on the long pases that JP has thrown, Evans has run under the passes. JP seems to just hang it out there and has been fortunate he hasn't underthrown the receiver.

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I can't get through all these posts but some of you are nuts to be unconcerned about JP's accuracy.  He has played 8 or 9 games and I still don't know whether he will be decent or just another Rob Johnson?!?  He's not even as good as Johnson yet.  When he gets time he needs to step up and show some accuracy.  A few bombs are about all we've seen and I'm starting to think those were an aberration.  The short and mid-range throws will make or break him.


Very true. His short and medium pass accuracy has really been awful. The bombs we've seen were thrown well, but if that is taken away by the style of a particular defense on a given day, we haven't seen any evidence that he could pick apart those defenses with the underneath stuff. In fact, thus far, we've seen he can't. At least not yet.

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I can't get through all these posts but some of you are nuts to be unconcerned about JP's accuracy.  He has played 8 or 9 games and I still don't know whether he will be decent or just another Rob Johnson?!?  He's not even as good as Johnson yet.  When he gets time he needs to step up and show some accuracy.  A few bombs are about all we've seen and I'm starting to think those were an aberration.  The short and mid-range throws will make or break him.


I'm not unconcerned but I don't think the answer is spending another high pick on a quarterback. If this team could run and pass block and actually play defense, I'd have more energy to worry about the quarterbacking.

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So in other words, while Eli started out as cover-your-eyes awful with the Giants last year, by this point in his career he was already showing far more signs of promise than JP Losman has shown us at this point.... which, to say the least, is disconcerting.





There's a reason that I used the word "looked" and not said "statistically better." Using the wonders of Picture in Picture, I usually watch the two of them side by side, and trust me, JP has looked a lot better than Eli in recent games.


Now if you want to talk about the respective efforts of their supporting casts, then we can discuss why their stats are so different.

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There's a reason that I used the word "looked" and not said "statistically better."  Using the wonders of Picture in Picture, I usually watch the two of them side by side, and trust me, JP has looked a lot better than Eli in recent games. 


Now if you want to talk about the respective efforts of their supporting casts, then we can discuss why their stats are so different.



We'll see about that.


It does seem, though, that one of the worst things that ever happened to Eli was making that falling-backwards throw to beat Denver.


And we'll see about Losman. I really hope that he can turn in a good performance on Saturday night to give us all some hope here. I agree that at times he has looked poised, and thrown hard, but then at the end of the day you realize that he has played just well enough for us to lose, whether it is the key turnover in the redzone, the key incompletion on 3rd down, or the drive-killing sack while trying to make a play.



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We'll see about that.


It does seem, though, that one of the worst things that ever happened to Eli was making that falling-backwards throw to beat Denver.


And we'll see about Losman.  I really hope that he can turn in a good performance on Saturday night to give us all some hope here.  I agree that at times he has looked poised, and thrown hard, but then at the end of the day you realize that he has played just well enough for us to lose, whether it is the key turnover in the redzone, the key incompletion on 3rd down, or the drive-killing sack while trying to make a play. 




That's IF JP plays. Now he's questionable. One thing we forgot in our analysis during this thread is that JP appears somewhat injury-prone.

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