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Van Miller Interviewed on Denver Radio


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Van Miller was on Denver's Rocky Mountain ESPN radio this morning. Van is a very nice guy, and chooses words carefully, but. . .


He clearly made two main points:


1) The GMing and coaching have been less than anyone could have expected, anticipated. The fans of Buffalo deserve better. (Van didn't exactly say it, but the Denver radio hosts inferred from his comments: This team is horrible everywhere, and is so far away that we appear to be in an Arizona/Detroit type of situation for a long time.)


2) MOST IMPORTANTLY: Van said that JP's good throws have been "rare". He used the word "rare". His take was that JP DOES NOT have the accuracy to be a starting NFL QB. Good reads and decision making could come with time, but accuracy is more of a God-given thing, and according to Van, JP just simply doesn't possess the natural ability.


The 2nd point really should concern all of us. The Denver hosts (after Van hung up) said that in the era of salary cap football, the Bills cannot go into next year with JP as their starting QB. I found that comment to be going a bit overboard. However, if the Bills have a shot at Leinart, these hosts think they should take it.

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The 2nd point really should concern all of us. The Denver hosts (after Van hung up) said that in the era of salary cap football, the Bills cannot go into next year with JP as their starting QB. I found that comment to be going a bit overboard. However, if the Bills have a shot at Leinart, these hosts think they should take it.



I imagine that a QB from UB would do just about as well as JP without an OL.

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Accuracy? Those two td's in the KC game told me he can play in the NFL.


I don't know if those two "over the top" throws say that JP has the necessary accuracy to start in this league. Van was talking more about the many balls "that JP has bounced in front of his receivers" and fitting the ball into tight spots.


Van acknowledged that the weather was cold in the NE game, but went on to add that Brady wasn't affected by it on the same field.

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Van Miller was on Denver's Rocky Mountain ESPN radio this morning. Van is a very nice guy, and chooses words carefully, but. . .


He clearly made two main points:


1) The GMing and coaching have been less than anyone could have expected, anticipated. The fans of Buffalo deserve better. (Van didn't exactly say it, but the Denver radio hosts inferred from his comments: This team is horrible everywhere, and is so far away that we appear to be in an Arizona/Detroit type of situation for a long time.)


2) MOST IMPORTANTLY: Van said that JP's good throws have been "rare". He used the word "rare". His take was that JP DOES NOT have the accuracy to be a starting NFL QB. Good reads and decision making could come with time, but accuracy is more of a God-given thing, and according to Van, JP just simply doesn't possess the natural ability.


The 2nd point really should concern all of us. The Denver hosts (after Van hung up) said that in the era of salary cap football, the Bills cannot go into next year with JP as their starting QB. I found that comment to be going a bit overboard. However, if the Bills have a shot at Leinart, these hosts think they should take it.


Leinart will be a bust in Buffalo, he doesn't seem to be able to throw in the wind!
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Van Miller was on Denver's Rocky Mountain ESPN radio this morning. Van is a very nice guy, and chooses words carefully, but. . .


He clearly made two main points:


1) The GMing and coaching have been less than anyone could have expected, anticipated. The fans of Buffalo deserve better. (Van didn't exactly say it, but the Denver radio hosts inferred from his comments: This team is horrible everywhere, and is so far away that we appear to be in an Arizona/Detroit type of situation for a long time.)


2) MOST IMPORTANTLY: Van said that JP's good throws have been "rare". He used the word "rare". His take was that JP DOES NOT have the accuracy to be a starting NFL QB. Good reads and decision making could come with time, but accuracy is more of a God-given thing, and according to Van, JP just simply doesn't possess the natural ability.


The 2nd point really should concern all of us. The Denver hosts (after Van hung up) said that in the era of salary cap football, the Bills cannot go into next year with JP as their starting QB. I found that comment to be going a bit overboard. However, if the Bills have a shot at Leinart, these hosts think they should take it.



Van's not all there. I think even the most critical Bills fan can see that Losman has all the tools and will be a winner if and when the Bills decide to get a real NFL offensive line. The guy can evade the rush like nobody's business and can obviously throw the ball deep and accurate (Van must have nodded off in the Miami first quarter). JP is the last guy I'm worried about.

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Funny, but it would be hard for the bills to pass up on Leinhart regardless of JP's potential.


Leinhart will be more of a sure thing in the NFL then JP, and as much as I like JP and will be in his corner for the next 2 years regardless of what Bills fans say, we cannot afford to pass up on Leinhart if he falls in our lap.


passing up on Leinhart would be painful in the next 10 years as he goes to multiple probowls and lights up the league.


JP has potnetial, but JP at his best IMO still won't match what Leinhart does in the NFL IMO


Gut the veterans on this team besides Fletcher and Spikes and rebuild




If the Bills continue to lose the rest of their games with JP at the helm, and becuase of this Leinhart falls to us then JP will have made the decision easy for us. Bring in Leinhart and let JP and Leinhart duke it out for starting position similiar to what SD did with Rivers and Brees.


Nobody can say SD made a mistake picking up Rivers after they already had Brees.

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When you have .00000008 seconds to set and throw that hurts it greatly.


i watched the ne game and while he was hurried all game long, there were a lot of throws where he wasn't and he was simply off target. you could say that it's the weather, but if you're going to be a buffalo qb, you've gotta be able to make throws in that weather. it's the defining feature of a quality buffalo qb.

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Leinart will be a bust in Buffalo, he doesn't seem to be able to throw in the wind!


Yes, the UCLA game was windy, and Leinart was very average that day. That is certainly a valid point. Keith Jackson was really pushing that point that day. Also, we all know that LA wind in Nov/Dec. isn't quite the same as Buffalo's.

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i watched the ne game and while he was hurried all game long, there were a lot of throws where he wasn't and he was simply off target. you could say that it's the weather, but if you're going to be a buffalo qb, you've gotta be able to make throws in that weather. it's the defining feature of a quality buffalo qb.



He'll get acclimated. Im not ready to scrap heap him yet.

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