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UB rises in the polls!


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UB Got 4 votes in the AP poll this week. Okay, they have a way to go, like another 126 votes, just to be ranked #25. But hey, it's a start, and the team is climbing new heights every game.


They are off for exams until Dec.21 when the host Elon. Not exactly a power team that will catapult them into the polls. In fact, UB may never reach the polls, even if they win 25-26 games. That's because there are no other "power" teams on their schedule, and I don't think MAC teams are treated with any respect anyway.


That's just fine with me. I would love to see UB in the NCAA's ambush some at-large team that got in because they play in a power conference. It's way too early to fantasize like that, but it's fun right now.



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