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Something from yesterday


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For all of us that doubted Josh Reed (myself included), we were wrong. The fact that he was still playing as hard as he was at the end yesterday shows a great deal of mental toughness.


He's had his ups and downs, but thats what I want to see- I hope he finishes his career here



I, too, was willing to give Reed the benefit of the doubt as late as this past August. But this 4th season of Reed's proved to me that he still drops balls when it matters (example: SD game), and only holds on when the pressure is off him (example: yesterday). Short and slow WR's who drop, on average, any more than 1-2% of the passes thrown to them don't last long in the NFL.


Furthermore, Josh Reed is THE perfect symbol of the mentality on this team - dominating when the stakes are low (6 game winning streak in 2004 when everyone had written us off), but folding miserably when the stakes are high (2004 season finale, every game against NE, every game against playoff-caliber teams, every road game this year, etc...). For that reason alone, he doesn't even deserve a no-risk vet minimum contract. The 2006 Bills need to have the mentally weak purged COMPLETELY from the roster: Josh Reed, Mike Williams, Trey Teague, Sam Adams, Jeff Posey, Nate Clements, and so forth. Why? Because sometimes losing is contagious.

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If he's willing to sign cheap, sign him, if not he is not worth keeping. Not because he doesn't have heart or play hard, he's too inconsistent and drops too many balls. I was all for reed in his rookie year, but he just can't seem to make catches consistantly. Yesterday it was a nice catch and he worked hard to get the TD (too bad I was walking throught the parking lot during the TD). He has to be able to make those plays when it counts, not when the backups (I thought I even saw the coaches, LOL) were on the field cause the game was so far out of hand.

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Kinda like Sam Aiken? lol...Physical attributes mean nothing...You need a guy that has it, no matter what size.  Look at Steve Smith and Santana Moss.  Personally... I'd like to see moulds take a paycut down to a respectable 4-5mill next year and play for the Bills.



I would like to see Moulds stay also and I am in no way trying to run him out of town (I would rather see mgt/coaching go)


I am not talking about a Sam Aiken/Russel Copeland stiff......we need a sure handed guy who can get open underneath so that Lee can take his guy/guys deep.


I do NOT want to go into next year with a Aiken type level talent opposite Evans.

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