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Meanest girl in the world?

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One more quick plug for the movie How's Your News.




Anyone interested in the topics in this thread would like this movie. It really is funny. And it really is done in a way that is respectful.


Has anyone seen this movie who can back me up on this? I've recommended it to lots of friends and they always say it's great.

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You mean like yesterday when i was in court (a violation that I won't specify) and the person i was stting next to decided to let her kid scream incessantly for 40 min.


Was she screaming and pointing at you while identifying you as the perpetrator of the "violation that you won't specify"?

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Was she screaming and pointing at you while identifying you as the perpetrator of the "violation that you won't specify"?



Her mother wouldn't let me hold her down face in the pillow like before. :doh:







p.s. in case it matters it was a traffic violation

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Actually a potato shoved up the tailpipe is pretty effective, but doesn't do as much damage.  If you get it far enough out of sight it can be very hard to figure out what is wrong with the car.



Sugar in the gas tank doesn't do anything. Watch Mythbusters on Discovery Channel. They busted this myth.

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That's too bad.


But at least she has an excuse.  What's yours?



listen to the man who goes around picking on people that are younger than him when he's got a family. don't you have more productive things to do?

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Speaking of retards…


I see my second-favorite band of all time, The Reatards, have a “new” CD out (Empty Records link). This was apparently recorded six years ago right before they split up, and Jay Reatard went on to do The Lost Sounds. Well, TLS has disbanded (weird, because they just did an in-store performance at a record store here in the spring…oh well) and that’s great news for Reatards fans ‘cause they’re touring. This is real punk rock…not that crap that the corporate weasels want you to listen to. Most of you will hate this stuff, and that’s good because those of us that do like it don’t want you anywhere near it, or us. As soon as you like, I’ll have to hate it, and I need The Reatards in my life. So stay the hell away.


Hopping on over to Italy, it’s good to see The Retard-ed (hyphen added to get around the "Dawgged" filter, also prevents me from adding a direct link :doh: )(record lable link; scroll down to link to band) are still around. Ramones fans will dig this band. I was turned on to them when I bought their “Judy wants to be my Girl” 7” that I found at a record store over here. I’d never heard a note, but loved the name and I always check out European punk bands. I was blown away, and so will you (you know who you are). The rest of you can go to hell.

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