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My futilty with TC and MM.


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The play that I lost it on today was Seymours delayed blitz that he wiped out JP with. Even that tool Randy Cross said "How in the heck do you not account for him?"


No one layed a hand on him. Christ he's one of the top DE's in pro football. How does this shitt keep eluding our coordinators.

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The play that I lost it on today was Seymours delayed blitz that he wiped out JP with. Even that tool Randy Cross said "How in the  heck do you not account for him?"


No one layed a hand on him. Christ he's one of the top DE's in pro football. How does this shitt keep eluding our coordinators.



that's what happens when you have really stupid OL that can't understand blocking adjustments

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Neither TC and MM were on the field on Sunday. The execution on the field yesterday was just poor and the players are to be blamed for the loss.


Neither TC nor MM threw 3 INTS, missed tackles, and couldn't block.





Oh knock it off Mike. Go back to the office.

Yeah well Mike only called 12 friggin running plays for crying outloud in the snow. For not putting the games on JP shoulders...Mike sure is doing a good job on doing the opposite. RUN THE FRIGGIN BALL MIKE!!!! RUN THE DAMN THING.

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McNally's a good coach. Its not his fault he's got chicken sh-- to work with.


No he really isn't. Take a look at the giants and the current Bills. He got fired from the Giants for making promises that he could take a bunch of very average offensive linemen and make them look great. Well, two years latter without him, they look great, and our line looks a lot worse. Don't tell me it isn't coaching.

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Guest BackInDaDay


McNally's a good coach. Its not his fault he's got chicken sh-- to work with.



During the season McNally's job is to coordinate the line's blocking techniques and assignments with the OC's gameplan for the opposing D. He should be getting info on the D formations and blitz packages that the OC expects to see line up against the O. Idea being, show them this, give 'em that.


Maybe McNally's not getting the right info, or enough of it, to help prepare his guys each week. With all of the BS going on with the team, who knows whose job it is to help McNally do his.


This lack of preparation falls squarely on the shoulders of the head coach.

Whether his OC isn't doing his job well enough or not - it's his job to make sure evrythings been covered.

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No he really isn't.  Take a look at the giants and the current Bills. He got fired from the Giants for making promises that he could take a bunch of very average offensive linemen and make them look great.  Well, two years latter without him, they look great, and our line looks a lot worse.  Don't tell me it isn't coaching.



Here we go again. Current Giants OL is obviously the same guys that McNally had in his last year there.


He's a crappy coach because he can't keep his players off the injured list. He's a crappy coach because he was able to assemble a decent enough line in one off-season to set an all-time expansion team win record, and a trip to the NFC championship game the year after. How many HOF'rs were on that squad?

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Did anyone see any adjustments being made at all (on either side of the ball) yesterday?


The Bills have come out several times this year with things clicking right off the bat, but then the opposing team sees what the Bills are doing, counters and wins easily because the Bills don't adjust to the adjustments. Hell, the Bills were out coached by Norv Turner this season!

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Here we go again.  Current Giants OL is obviously the same guys that McNally had in his last year there. 


He's a crappy coach because he can't keep his players off the injured list.  He's a crappy coach because he was able to assemble a decent enough line in one off-season to set an all-time expansion team win record, and a trip to the NFC championship game the year after.  How many HOF'rs were on that squad?




Gerry, much like Simon's arguments for Donahoe's drafting prowess before taking the Bills' job, your points are valid.........and pointless. We haven't seen the results on the field here in Buffalo from these guys. I really don't know what it is about being here that people flounder, be it coaches or players. For as much flak as we gave Gregg Williams for his coaching staff, many of them have found jobs either in the college ranks or as NFL coordinators since leaving Buffalo. I'm @ a loss for words to describe why the job isn't getting done here.

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Gerry, much like Simon's arguments for Donahoe's drafting prowess before taking the Bills' job, your points are valid.........and pointless.  We haven't seen the results on the field here in Buffalo from these guys.  I really don't know what it is about being here that people flounder, be it coaches or players.  For as much flak as we gave Gregg Williams for his coaching staff, many of them have found jobs either in the college ranks or as NFL coordinators since leaving Buffalo.  I'm @ a loss for words to describe why the job isn't getting done here.



I still don't understand the importance of coaching vs. that of having talent.


When players get to the NFL, they have already been coached for most of their lives. Now, add in the fact that many rookies come from HUGE college programs. Am I to believe that Mike Williams never had a good coach until he arrived in Buffalo? I am guessing that Texas has some men who do know how to coach players.

Jason Ferguson was a TE, so I can see where he would seriously need McNally, yet he seemed to be the best blocker on the field yesterday.

For more than a decade, we have been expecting some coach to wave a magic wand over bad players and make them good.

These guys are just bad; painfully bad and their talent has been shockingly misjudged. Bennie Anderson was bad beyond description yesterday, but he didn't sign himself to a contract, nor did McNally give him the bucks.


The simple truth is that TD failed to bring talented players to the trenches. Had he done so, my guess is that McNally would be quite able to do a good job.

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Gerry, much like Simon's arguments for Donahoe's drafting prowess before taking the Bills' job, your points are valid.........and pointless.  We haven't seen the results on the field here in Buffalo from these guys.  I really don't know what it is about being here that people flounder, be it coaches or players.  For as much flak as we gave Gregg Williams for his coaching staff, many of them have found jobs either in the college ranks or as NFL coordinators since leaving Buffalo.  I'm @ a loss for words to describe why the job isn't getting done here.



Who's R Rich?


I don't know if we can make a blanket statement that all former coaches & assistants have found success elsewhere.


I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Tom Bresnahan, Carl Mauck, and Ronnie Vinklarek to steer a Pro-Bowl caliber OL. Steve Fairchild is doing ok in StL, while I don't think that Sheppard is setting Brooks' world on fire either.


The guys that are having success are the ones that settled back in their comfor zone of position coaching or coordinators.


Yeah, I'll continue to beat a dead horse. The Bills' OL was getting better last year, to the point that even VA admitted last year that they were dominating some games. What the line does not have is depth. So, when critical injuries hit the right side of the line, they could not overcome it.


I refuse to use hindsight to criticize anyone, especially when you have to work around the salary cap context. Bills were very limited in what they could do with the line, because they had big $$ already assigned to Williams, Vill & Teague. How could you justify spending big FA $$ for the right side of the line, when those positions played very well last year. That's why the team addressed the left side (and failed).


The injuries to the right side have also hampered Peters' progress at LT. I'm guessing the longer term plan was to move Peters to LT and Gandy inside. Preston is having a very hard time learning the G spot (ba dump), and I don't know why Geinsinger has been inactive all year.


No one is going to claim that the OL has played great this year, but from my vantage point, coachng is not the main culprit. (VA is just pi$$ed that McNally allegedly nixed the Shelton acquisition)

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Guest BackInDaDay
I still don't understand the importance of coaching vs. that of having talent.



During the off-season the guys are on various types of programs - lose weight, bulk up, conditioning, strength, speed - set up by the position coaches after the all the coaches review the personnel and decide on where they plan to use them.


The pre-season is used to get the guys back into 'football shape' - drills and hitting - to keep them fundamentally sound.


There isn't any time, and there shouldn't be any need, to coach fundamentals during the season. That time is used to teach the players their assignments as they relate to that week's gameplan. Whether it's Offense, Defense or STs, the coaches have to give these guys their best idea on where they'll find their man (or key/read) on a particular play and the most effective way to deal with him.

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During the season McNally's job is to coordinate the line's blocking techniques and assignments with the OC's gameplan for the opposing D.  He should be getting info on the D formations and blitz packages that the OC expects to see line up against the O.  Idea being, show them this, give 'em that. 


Maybe McNally's not getting the right info, or enough of it, to help prepare his guys each week.  With all of the BS going on with the team, who knows whose job it is to help McNally do his. 


This lack of preparation falls squarely on the shoulders of the head coach. 

Whether his OC isn't doing his job well enough or not - it's his job to make sure evrythings been covered.


Kinda like looking for weapons of mass distruction.....

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