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Take a collection to cover MM contract for Ralph??


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Ill give up my ebay Xmas profit and my next SRB to get rid of him!




On the serious side I do wonder what the rules are for compensation of coaches that change teams and how that might actually relieve some of the burdens of the NFL firing of a coach under contract.


Specifically, I was actually surprised but pleased to find out last year that when a team fires a coach they do owe him to be paid the entire amount they contracted to pay him. However, under NFL rules if a fired coach is hired by another team in the league his salary is actually the amount he was guuaranteed under his old contract plus any amount over that total under the new contract.


Thus, if a coach is canned and owed (let's say) $100K under his old contract, if another NFL team team hires him for 50K his old team need only pay him 50K.


The fired coach remains whole as he gets the $100K he planned to get under his old contract, his old team gets relieved of $50K of the their burden and the coaches new team gets subsidized by the old team and are only paying $50K fpr a coach the market judged worthy of $100K


Under this type of deal, the fired coach does miss out on getting paid his old contracted salary and a total new salary on top of it/ However, in exchange for not having access to this bonus, it does make the fired coach a great investment for a new team to make as they get this asset with a subsidy from his old team.


While I think that even a rich guy like Ralph will have to swallow hard if he cut MM loose and still owed him 3 years at almost a million a year, this move might be a little easier to stomach if MM get picked up as an offensive cooridnator for some other team for half a million a year (or if MM goes to work for Dan Snyder for an OC contract which likely will exceed what he made as an HC for the Bills,


I think it would be a very tough thing for RWS to let MM go (I think it is more likely that TD would go if RWS is so embarassed by the reality of the 2005 Bills el foldo) but if a new GM comes aboard he may well want his own guy as HC and the shenanigans with Moulds, Adams and Shaw may well have so soiled the nest for MM that he has to go as well if TD goes.


Food for thought and consideration,

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