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Burn it UP


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I say BURN it UP and start over..


-Our O-line STILL SUCKS...

-McGahee did nothing (im assumin he got injured) but even was he was in the game he did nothing..putting way more pressure on JP to move the ball soley w/ his arm and no play action.


* and most importantly, our WR's SUCK...with moulds we still haven't been able to average a game with 250+ passing yards, let alone 300 all year. And without him, its been magnified that...


Roscoe Parrish- is a little boy, playing a mans game...


Sam Aiken- remains to be our perrenial all pro on the practice team, but come sunday his hands are only good for wrappin ppl up on special teams...don't even mention catchin the ball.


Josh Reed- showed some improvement FINALLY, I can only see him as a 4th or 5th wideout....still lacks #3 potential


Lee Evans- aka, the poor mans steve smith....yea he can go and get that deep ball...and that's all he can do. Without moulds, teams are gonna start putting a safety over the top, and then what? Our 160lb WR parrish is gonna get knocked on his as$ b'cuz of the bump n run...Reed will get the ball thrown his way but it will go through his hands..and Aiken let the CB pick the ball, but display an amazing shoestring tackle to bring him down.


Oh and as far as McGahee is concerned. This guy is STILL slow to me, he doesn't have that 5th gear, yea he'll carry some tackles here and there...but he won't break a run. I am predicting, that this offseason he's gonna work more on his speed and once he becomes a free agent after next season, whatever team he goes to he will be breaking runs left, right, and everyone...mark my words...But as a bills he's above average, best back in the league...ya RITE


Folks when it rains it pours...and i'm getting ready for the tsunami...



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