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Sports Guy: Welcome to perpetual putridity


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In the past two decades, the NFL has slowly been inching toward Paul Tagliabue's dream of perpetual parity. Whether it was expansion, the salary cap, revenue sharing or yearly schedules favoring weaker teams, the message has always remained the same: We like it when everyone has an equal chance to win. Everything crested in January of 2000, when St. Louis and Tennessee battled in Super Bowl XXXIV as casual fans asked questions like, "Wait, this is the NFL, right?" and "Is this the warm-up game for the Broncos and Niners?"


Of course, the 2005 season marked the beginning of a new era for the NFL: perpetual putridity.


Three things about that phrase. First, Perpetual Putridity is a fantastic name for an unlistenable/pretentious/ludicrous rock band and I can't believe Jared Leto didn't think of it. Second, even though it sounds like a made-up word, putridity is a word -- it's the noun for the adjective putrid, which means "decaying, disgusting or worthless." And third ...


(And most important ... )


What's a better word for the 2005 season than putrid? I'm not even talking about the Bears' going 13-3 without any semblance of an offense, or the Patriots' already locking up the AFC East title despite holding "American Idol"-like auditions for starting positions in the secondary (with Mike Stone emerging as the team's William Hung). The league has turned into a giant poo-poo platter. Not a pu-pu platter ... a poo-poo platter.  . . .



The Bills are in his "teams that truly suck" category.


Ya know, Simmons, I liked you a lot better back when the Pats hadn't won anything yet.... <_<

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