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My girlfriend is pretty interested in the paranormal so I usually end up watching most of those ghost shows on the various networks. I tend to look at things on the scientific side, and without ever witnessing any paranormal activity all I had to go on was eyewitness testimony, and other questionable evidence. Some of the evidence looked like it had some merit, but for me to make the leap from non believer to believer I would need to see something pretty concrete.


Yesterday we watched a show we often do called Ghost Hunters. IMO it has the most credibility of the paranormal shows because these people actually try and disprove evidence. They believe in ghosts, but at the same time they know they can only advance this way of thinking if they can produce evidence that holds up in the scientific community. I've seen a couple of things that looked questionable on the show before, but still was yet to be sold on the idea that ghosts exists.


I was watching last nights show and it completely changed my beliefs on the subject. One of the methods they use to find paranormal activity is a thermal camera. They were using the thermal camera on last nights show and as they paned to a row of lockers in this basement you could clearly see a man wearing a hat. It was obvious to me the first time but when they rewound the film it was even more startling. You could see the outline of his body perfectly, and could even make out the clothes he was wearing. The staff of the hotel said the ghost down in that area was a guard, and by the look on the thermal it appeared like he was wearing that type of outfit.


After they captured the image they paned back and the man was gone, but the number 2 which was painted on the locker was radiating heat. They tested all type of reflection theories, and did several other shots of the locker with thermal never picking up an image, and in each shot the number 2 never radiated heat.


So after years of not believing I have finally witnessed solid enough evidence to believe the contrary. I was just wondering how other people felt, and if you don’t believe what would it take to convince you otherwise?


Do I believe in paranormal activity, spiritual forces, and hauntings. Yes. Do I believe in spirits of the departed lingering. No. my personal belief is one of the activity of angels an demons, and either could take the appearance of a person to achieve an end. The end could be to comfort and aid, or to decieve, frighten, dismay, etc.


To me spirtual forces are very real.


However, that being said I also believe that people have a tendency to see what they want to see. If you are seeking an encounter, I'd say you will find it.


I recently saw pictures taken by a personal friend of mine. These were not high budget shots, but prints from a 35 mm. camera fresh out of the developers envelope. He was visiting the south and took pictures in a cemetary. In the developed pictures there were greusome faces in the trees and bushes, that woud be the kind I would expect a demon to look like. Pretty chilling to see.


I used to go to YMCA Camp Weona as a child and as a young adult (camper and counselor respectively). The land for the camp was originally seneca (i believe... its been a while) indian land, which was donated to the buffalo Y. There are a lot of spooky stories there, however none spooks me more than the one that can't even be explained:


anyhow, as you walk down the main road to one of the villages with cabins, you go around a bend and up a small hill. At the top of the hill is the village and there's a light on a lightpole. Because of the mountains (the camp is in gainesville, ny), that small hill, and the light, there's a fog that's created. Anyways, none of the dozens of dead indian/lost camper/attica escape stories got to me... That 100 feet from complete pitch black to the top of the hill where i could see the cabins was and still is the scariest place i've ever been to in my entire life. It's the same in the daylight. It's scary to me, its scary to everyone who's ever been there. The feeling i get is that of an overwelming feeling that someone is watching me and walking behind me. It's scary with my eyes open, with them shut, with a flashlight, without one. It's scary alone and its scary with people. It's just scary and i can't explain why. I'm sure someone can second my thought if they've ever been to weona.


now on with my ringing endorsement of the place: send your kids to YMCA camp weona... I grew up there and i love it to this day.



edit: now that i have brought this subject up, if there are any other weona alumni on the wall right now, send me a PM... i'd love to share some more stories (there's more where that one came from)


Definately believe. My parents have had a lot of things happen to them, things that they have witnessed individually and also together, and some pretty creepy stuff at that. The only thing I witnessed while living in my home growing up was the water in the bathroom sink turned on full blast with nobody in the room. We had company over, and they were REALLY freaked out about it.


My parents believe that I have some sort of guardian angel watching over m.e They claim that when I was less than a year old, they were in bed (and I was in a crib in my room) and they heard someone talking in my room. They freaked out, ran into my room, and saw me sitting up staring at a corner of the room (not scared or crying or anything, just staring). Apparantly I was very interested in that corner for many days/weeks afterwards.


As I said, my parents have dozens of stories to tell, and some are pretty freaky.



Do I believe in paranormal activity, spiritual forces, and hauntings.  Yes.  Do I believe in spirits of the departed lingering.  No.  my personal belief is one of the activity of angels an demons, and either could take the appearance of a person to achieve an end.  The end could be to comfort and aid, or to decieve, frighten, dismay, etc.


To me spirtual forces are very real.


However, that being said I also believe that people have a tendency to see what they want to see.  If you are seeking an encounter,  I'd say you will find it.


I recently saw pictures taken by a personal friend of mine.  These were not high budget shots, but prints from a 35 mm. camera fresh out of the developers envelope.  He was visiting the south and took pictures in a cemetary.  In the developed pictures there were greusome faces in the trees and bushes, that woud be the kind I would expect a demon to look like.  Pretty chilling to see.



Your right about people seeing what they want to see, I guess that’s why I was so skeptical before. In almost every peace of so called evidence you would have to be trying to interpret it as paranormal for it to even resemble that form. It seems like the paranormal is becoming more and more popular, and subsequently more "sightings" have been spotted. Out of all those so called sightings none of it was convincing enough for me to believe until the one I just saw. It really was chilling to see that figure shown on the thermal video, and for them to be unable to debunk it.


By the way if people want to check out the thermal video here is the link Go to Exclusive Case Files on the upper right hand side You need quicktime to view it.


I have never personally seen anything visibly, but I have felt presences that were much too real to be my imagination. I was with my girlfriend (now wife) in a car at night out in the country, and in the interest of the story, lets say we were talking. In mid "conversation" I got the creepiest feeling that we were being watched. Without speaking a word to her, I looked at her and she said, "I know, we've gotta get out of here now". As we were driving back to the college campus it was evident that it was with us. We were both frightened to tears. That was about 14 years ago and just typing this makes me a little freaked out.


It was real and it was the most scary thing I have ever experience.


Ruined a darn good talking spot for me too.


During high school. I had bouts of sleep paralysis that lasted for 2 months where I visualized the girl from the movie The Ring (long black hair, pale, don't remember seeing a face, white dress)l...note: this is like a decade before The Ring even came out...i told my mom about my problems because it seemed like i'd wake up at night and be unable to move for some reason (arms and legs frozen in place) and had difficulty breathing because that freak girl would be sitting on my chest...at times, I wondered if I'd suffocate...she immediately attributed it to some sort of evil spirit and went off to see a buddhist priest...shortly after, my sleep paralysis issues went away

do i believe in ghosts and spirits after that experience? no...if i did, i should probably drop out of graduate school...might be stupidly stubborn of me to place all my faith in science, but i'm still thinking i somehow visualized being this weird looking chick and had sleep paralysis due to high school crap (exams, sports and girlfriend problems)


My family had moved into the house my grandma and grandpa died in to take care of my uncle who couldn't live on his own anymore. My bedroom ended up being the room my grandma and grandpa had.

On my dresser was an old picture of them together and strapped across the picture was old rosary beads my grandma used to say the rosary every night.

One night I woke up and had sat up because I was getting ready to get up and get ready for school, then I turned in the direction of the dresser and seen clear as day, my grandma and grandpa looking towards me. The prayer beads were glowing a very bright green. These beads were not glow in the dark, they were silver.

Scared the hell out of me. I hurried and ran out of the room and turned on all the lights I could find. I didn't sleep in the room again after that night.

anybody check the link out?


Yeah, I saw that episode! That is a GREAT show, I hope they have a season 3! They also have a website. TAPS.com I think. As far as that locker goes, it sure made a believer out of me too! That "other" show in Europe called "Most Haunted" is a crock of crap!

Posted (edited)

I have slept with one before.



Oh, nevermind, I thought your post above said GOAT. <_<

Edited by Frez



I'm the thing that goes bump in the night...


Be nice if you fixed your hall light...


As for the subject, yeah, yeah I do. I'm probably one of the more cold blooded doubters around, but I'm certain beyond any of those doubts, that there have been times when Darlene has come to see me. No details here, but I believe.

i told my mom about my problems because it seemed like i'd wake up at night and be unable to move for some reason (arms and legs frozen in place) and had difficulty breathing because that freak girl would be sitting on my chest...at times, I wondered if I'd suffocate...


I've heard of this, and experienced it once. I think my Dr. attributed it to some odd condition where you wake up, and the mind is awake and alert, but the body continues to be in a sleep mode. Weird, but not paranormal.


As for Ghost Hunters, that show is great. I love when they get the best possible evidence, only to have it debunked. Other shows might take and run with it. And the thermal cam bit wa great, but later in the episode the thermal cam showed some other incredible evidence.

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