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the one thing i have wondered since i first heard this story is: what kind of Gangsta name is Tookie?


oh, and i hope he rots in hell when The Govinator proclaims that Tookie is scheduled for Termination

I hope this is sarcasm.  I am still hoping to get an invite to the vein popping.  I'll be cheering on the doc.



No way the guy wrote childrens books...He has denounced(sp?) gang life, so what that he's not trying to help the police crack down on gangs he doesn't want to be a stoolie, he says gangs are bad. He wrote childrens books...











the one thing i have wondered since i first heard this story is: what kind of Gangsta name is Tookie?




If I join the Crips, I want to be Binky. That, or Snoodles.

So he created one of the most violent gangs in US history....So he killed at least four people...He wrote childrens books...Please save him.





simple death is too good for this animal.

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