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Richard Pryor RIP


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Very sad, indeed. He was one funny Ni...well, you get the point. BTW, I mean that with DEEP respect. He was not only one of funniest humans ever (if not the funniest)...and nobody was more influential.


RIP, RP <_<

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My first favorite movie in life, was "The Toy"


My dad took me to the theatre when I was about 6, and I loved it and Richard Pryor since that day.


I sent him an email through his website, about a year ago, and he actually responded.


RIP my friend. <_<

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thats too bad...he was priceless with Gene Wilder!!!


I'll always remember the two of them in "Silver Streak". Especially when he is trying to show Wilder how to be black.


"How come you whiteys got such a tight-ass, man?"


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