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If this is true a true rumor

Mile High

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Seriously, if Jimmy Johnson were ever involved with the Bills, I would give some consideration to switching allegence...just say no to the pork faced satan!  Whatever great things he did in Dallas, was pretty much nullified by his disasterous stint in Miami...JJ is one of the few people in the NFL that I truly despise...he is a classless, boorish, jerk! <_<




:lol::lol: I'd forgotten that one...sweet! JJ is certainly porcine while Parcells is more bovine.


I think JJ is living proof that it's not all about rings. With that said, if the Bills hired JJ, I'd HATE it...but, I'd root for the Bills and hope JJ became a better coach and human being.


Fortunately, it ain't gonna happen. It's NOT ...is it? No...it isn't. :huh:

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I remeber hearing JJ on the radio when I still lved in south FL. He was talking about how a lot of NFL owners and GMs consult with him. I got the idea that he was making some good money doing this.


So I would be dumbfounded if JJ were to be hired by the Bills for anything other than consulting.

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I have no idea if this is true. I do know, however, that JJ has a bitter taste in his mouth about the way his career ended in Miami. What better way than to change the end to his career than with one of the Dolphins' bitter rivals.


Whatever you might think about JJ, he would create a lot of excitement for the fans and for FA's who might not otherwise want to sign with the Bills (especially with the current HC and GM).


One final thought. Ralph is getting up there in age as everyone knows. He would love to win a Super Bowl. It would not surprise me if he did something like this. It would not surprise me one bit.

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I think RW is planning a move. He may be feeling out JJ not only for information but for a couple of other reasons.


1) RW needs some discipline in the organization. Strange how TD was no where to be heard during the EM debacle. Cannot have the inmates running the asylum.

2) JJ would't come as a coach. Only as the decision maker

3) Another strong reason for this or another change. RW needs someone who will get Free Agents to come here. FA will not come anymore with TD here.

4) keep the finance guy to watch and work with JJ on the cap( if that is possible with JJ).


I suspect JJ as GM with power to hire and fire. This lack of overall power will make TD resign and go to St Louis ( he and madaam Ram make a good couple) thereby relieving RW of TD's salary. JJ now has all the power and is able to get FA and wheel and deal in the draft. TM stays as scouting guru with JJ. JJ makes changes at OC and DC with some input from MM. MM on a very short leash.

Just a

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