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What a mess! I look at this like the 89 Bills

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Remember back guys when Reed, Smith, Thomas, and Kelly didnt get along and everyone was yelling for a trade.


That was a nice turn around after that 88-89 season! I wish the same would happen here but TD, MM and the rest of those Pittsburgh clowns get the door!



I think TD goes, but MM is here for a couple of more years WITH new DC and OC.




Everyone have a great weekend!

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Sadly I think both TD and MM are here next year :pirate:


JG will be allowed to entertain other offers and sign on as someone else's Defensive Coordinator


TC is toast. SW will prolly quit


So we'll have a whole new Offensive and Defensive staff, but have the same 2 assclowns running the show.


After yet another sub-mediocre season in 2006, Ralphie will either can TD or kick the bucket and the new owner will can TD. Whoever comes in as GM cans Mularkey, and we're back to rebuilding, where we've been the last 5 years

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Remember back guys when Reed, Smith, Thomas, and Kelly didnt get along and everyone was yelling for a trade.


That was a nice turn around after that 88-89 season!  I wish the same would happen here but TD, MM and the rest of those Pittsburgh clowns get the door!

I think TD goes, but MM is here for a couple of more years WITH new DC and OC.

Everyone have a great weekend!


We got the bickering..but I don't think we have a Reed, Smith, Thomas or Kelly, and we CERTAINLY don't have a House Ballard at Tackle.

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Remember back guys when Reed, Smith, Thomas, and Kelly didnt get along and everyone was yelling for a trade.


That was a nice turn around after that 88-89 season!  I wish the same would happen here but TD, MM and the rest of those Pittsburgh clowns get the door!

I think TD goes, but MM is here for a couple of more years WITH new DC and OC.

Everyone have a great weekend!





Well, if that is true, Ralph was wise not to fire Bill Polian and Marv Levy...sonetimes there is something to be said for continuity and staying the course....

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