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Screw gr's Jerk Nation signs Stop by Hammer's Lot

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a #80 SHARPIED on your forehead!  Stadium security will more than likely take your jerk sign (besides how can you care a sign and a couple of brews at the same time) but how could they make you take the #80 off your forehead!


In my case that would be a big #80, considering the size of the "easel".



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Buffalo, NY (AP) - In an effort to ensure the saftey of all fans attending this weekends Buffalo Bills and New England Patriots game at Ralph Wilson Stadium, security officicals have ordered 75,000 alcohol wipes. Calls requesting more detailed reasoning made to Bills officials, local police agencies and hired security have gone unanswered.



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Buffalo, NY (AP) - In an effort to ensure the saftey of all fans attending this weekends Buffalo Bills and New England Patriots game at Ralph Wilson Stadium, security officicals have ordered 75,000 alcohol wipes. Calls requesting more detailed reasoning made to Bills officials, local police agencies and hired security have gone unanswered.








It's really a simple thing.....get the "We want Moulds" chant going early and often, ala Rob Ray in the 90's. It will make Mularkey look like a fool. A career 2nd string TE can't possibly understand what it is like to have talent and be frustrated over poor results, because he was happy catching 20 balls a year.

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Yes, clearly we need to show rabid support for one of the senior members of the team who has done absolutely NOTHING in terms of leadership this season. While we're at it maybe we can stencil #95 to our asses to support Sam Adams and his b-i-t-c-hfest.


Thanks for the 10 years of mediocrity Eric. We can find someone else to drop passes and gripe. Just becuase you were the best WR on perenially mediocre to bad teams doesn't make you great, you were better than Bobbby Shaw, congrats. It's time to move on...buh-bye.

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Thanks for the 10 years of mediocrity Eric.  We can find someone else to drop passes and gripe.  Just becuase you were the best WR on perenially mediocre to bad teams doesn't make you great, you were better than Bobbby Shaw, congrats.  It's time to move on...buh-bye.


Woohoo, it's official - Moulds is the next player of the torch and pitchfork crowd saying he's done nothing and kicking him to the curb. Yay!


I wonder who's next... WM is the leading candidate at this point, but I have a feeling that London Fletcher will come up from behind to take the lead. I can hear it now - "Yeah, he got a lot of tackles, but they were all downfield and every other time he tackled someone, he grabbed the facemask or came in late for a 15 yard penalty! Kick his ass to the curb!!!!"



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It's not personal, it's business. We've overvalued Moulds for years because he was head and shoulders better than anyone else we had at the time. He's been inconsistent over that time, I can recall MANY dropped passes and lapses in concentration. He has certainly never been anywhere close to the best wideout in the game but he's getting paid like it. Now he's on the wrong side of 30, he's made 1 impact play all season, his cap number is over 8 million next year, and we have his replacement on the team. Not to mention he already threw Losman under the bus once, at a time when we really needed some veteran leadership.


Why exactly should my loyalty be to a player who's never won anything here and who would leave in a heartbeat if given the opportunity to make more money elsewhere (just like everyone else BTW)? My loyalty is to the team, not to Eric Moulds. It's better for the team that he leave after this year, just like it was better that Bledsoe leave after last year (different argument, different thread) We tried to build around Bledsoe, it didn't work. We need to retool and part of that is turning over the roster and finding younger players who will step up. Moulds isn't that guy and I'd take a 3rd-round pick in a heartbeat. The sooner we (the fans)realize that the team isn't 1 player away from the Super Bowl the sooner we can accept the reality that it's time for a number of players to make their way out of town.


Where's the downside here? We can't get 533 yards and 3TDs out of someone who costs HALF AS MUCH?

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