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Oh that's right.  Time to boot my wife off her machine...



<_< My wife's glued to hers most of the time too. She couldn't live without it. T'was a joke.

76) Throwing snow balls at cops cars.




Heh... funny thing about that... one time, back when I was 16...

69 (I'm so happy with that number, BTW).  Cleaning off my car in the morning...and then maybe doing the neighbors' (car, that is, ya pervs).  I REALLY like that and I'm often whistling or singing.  The neighbor's think I'm nuts.



Heh, I do that, too. Neighbors all head to work in scarves and hats and large jackets. Im usually good in a sweatshirt and jeans (40's, for the love of.. we're not talking bone chilling pre-dawn hours back in Hamburg).


65. I no longer crack a sweat while taking the dog for a walk.

64. Better gas mileage because I can turn the damn AC off.

63. Watching my (Buffalo Native) father act like 1" of snow is a hell of a storm now that he's pushing 9 years of southern residency.


62. Hunting season. the woods, a nice coating of snow, the cold, the stillness of nature...and lining up unsuspecting deer in the sights of my 12 gauge...


61. Watching southerners get their tongues stuck to cold metal objects, because they think that what happens in "A Christmas Story" in complete bull sh-- yankee snow propaganda...

62. Hunting season. the woods, a nice coating of snow, the cold, the stillness of nature...and lining up unsuspecting deer in the sights of my 12 gauge...



See, I miss that and at the same time don't. I really do like being able to use a .30-06 down here, but it sucks having to check the stand for yellow jackets before climbing in. Layers are everything down here. At 6:00, it's 28 degrees, but it's 65 by noon.


All in all? I'd rather go hunting up there in Ellicotville or something. Perhaps I'll pick up some land when I get the $$.

See, I miss that and at the same time don't. I really do like being able to use a .30-06 down here, but it sucks having to check the stand for yellow jackets before climbing in.  Layers are everything down here.  At 6:00, it's 28 degrees, but it's 65 by noon.


All in all? I'd rather go hunting up there in Ellicotville or something.  Perhaps I'll pick up some land when I get the $$.



The time I spent in Kentucky was a good mix. Get's cold, snowy. "Still Hunt" in the woods, and I used a .44 mag carbine. 50 yard max shots, and something that would push a leaf out of the way. I used a 30.06 Remington 7400 for a stand over the soybean fields. Corn's good, but those soybean deer are really tastey.

See, I miss that and at the same time don't. I really do like being able to use a .30-06 down here, but it sucks having to check the stand for yellow jackets before climbing in.  Layers are everything down here.  At 6:00, it's 28 degrees, but it's 65 by noon.


All in all? I'd rather go hunting up there in Ellicotville or something.  Perhaps I'll pick up some land when I get the $$.


I'll sell you mine.

60. Snow ball fights.

59. The beauty and peacefulness of it all...


Just noticed your avatar pic. My brother was over in Iraq for a year. He just got back this past April. He's glad to be out of there.

:)  My wife's glued to hers most of the time too. She couldn't live without it. T'was a joke.



That's how I took it. Of course you should have seen the look I got when I told her she had to get off her machine :D

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