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Some points that I just wanted to make


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I just had some thoughts regarding this team in general (not so much the game, but as a whole).


1. What did we hire Mularkey and company for???? I wasn't happy when we hired him but through the preseason I started to think he was the answer. The offense looked good and showed more balance. We worked the ball downfield as you have to do, ran the ball a lot, and worked the play action game pretty well. Now here we are in the regular season and the offense looks just as bad as last year. We aren't trying to throw downfield, the running game is pathetic, and Bledsoe looked horrible out there today.


Mularkey was hired in part because he could "save Drew". Well if his idea of saving Drew was throwing the ball 5 yards downfield all day then we could have had Travis Brown or Van Pelt doing that, or now Shane Mathews. We are paying Drew a hell of a lot of money and his best strength is the deep ball. Killdrive fell in love with that and it made Drew look bad. Mularkey has gone totally away from it and it is just as bad. Where is the mix??? He took the reigns off of Kordell in Pittsburgh but Kordell still threw the ball deep a few times a game. If this is the offense we are going to run I wish J.P was not injured and we could suck with him learning on the job. Instead J.P is hurt (and even if he wasn't he would be sitting) and when he does get in there (next year probably) that's a whole extra year of rebuilding we will have to endure. I don't know about everyone else but I'm TIRED of rebuilding. It's been time to win for two years.


2. Why exactly did we take Lee Evans??? We saw why today on that long pass, but we aren't even TRYING to utilize the kid. If all he is good at now is going deep that's fine, throw the ball deep to him 2 or 3 times a game. Not once when you are down 10 with a couple minutes left.........


We could have had Udeze with our pick. Udeze is going to be a good player. Lee Evans might, but with the offense we are running now, Udeze would have been a much better pick. We are still lining up Moulds, Reed, and Shaw in 3 wide, that's the same 3 that were out there LAST YEAR when we couldn't stretch the field.......guess what, we aren't stretching it this year and the same thing is happening..........and will continue to happen.


3. Donahoe is now 17-33 as GM. I'm done trusting his every move. I've tried, but at this point he is still shooting blanks. You don't have 10 years to build a franchise anymore Tom. The job needs to get done now. Gambling on picks like Willis when we could have had a top flight linemen like Steinbach or a good TE like Clark doesn't sit well with me.........which leads me to my next point.


4. What the hell is going on with Willis???? Travis has looked horrible in the first two games. Not running well, dropping passes, he almost fumbled without being touched today, yet we continue to ignore Willis when he is running hard and making plays when he gets into the game. I'm a huge Willis fan and not utilizing his skills is really starting to tick me off. I'm glad we took the gamble on him and I am hoping he pays off, but if THIS is what we were planning to do with him when we took him it was a wasted pick........a complete waste.


We were in the game today, but to me that doesn't matter. I'm tired of losing as everyone else is here, and even though it's only two games into the season I firmly believe that this team is dead in the water as it is now.........flame me or whatever, but I don't see us winning more then 6 games this year the way we are playing.........


Another wasted year in Buffalo I'm afraid. And come April everyone will be excited about another season of wasted opportunity in 2005.........that's us, the Buffalo Bill fans of America.

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I'm a huge Willis fan and not utilizing his skills is really starting to tick me off.  I'm glad we took the gamble on him and I am hoping he pays off, but if THIS is what we were planning to do with him when we took him it was a wasted pick........a complete waste.


Willis is still hesitating before he makes his cuts and today was a prime example. WM had a chance for a long TD, but he hesistated, took an extra step before making his move and he got caught from behind. WM isn't ready to be an every down back but I would use him in short yardage and goal line situations.

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Willis is still hesitating before he makes his cuts and today was a prime example. WM had a chance for a long TD, but he hesistated, took an extra step before making his move and he got caught from behind. WM isn't ready to be an every down back but I would use him in short yardage and goal line situations.



Well that's fine then, where was he on 4th and goal from the 1??? Instead I got to watch Travis stumble and fall.........and fail again.

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Willis is still hesitating before he makes his cuts and today was a prime example. WM had a chance for a long TD, but he hesistated, took an extra step before making his move and he got caught from behind. WM isn't ready to be an every down back but I would use him in short yardage and goal line situations.



I agree that Willis still might be a little hesitant, but by saying that isn't that a pretty good indicator of how average Travis has played so far? I mean it seems like Willis has made a play almost every time they asked him to, I certainly can't say that of Henry. We need to get him 8-10 carries a game and utilize him in the passing game/goaline.

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Thank you Mike. Last week he got in there only because Travis got hurt. What did he do??? He picked up 3 first downs and ran hard. All Travis has done is fall down, get stuffed in the backfield, drop passes, whif his blocking assignments, come close to fumbling for no apparent reason...........and yet Willis sits like he has the plague........


Give me a slow and heistant Willis that makes TD's and first downs over a Travis that fumbles and falls down on 4th and goal any time........

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After this game, I'm not convinced that the coaching staff hasn't been setting us up to go deeper down field. Our QB had several opportunities (with good protection) Sunday to throw the deep ball, but he elected to dump off to a back for minimal gain. Worst of all, on several occasions he skipped the ball to the receiver. He clearly looked down field but did not pull the trigger. Either our WRs aren't getting open, or Drew has lost his confidence in the deep ball.

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The Bills lost another game that they could have won. That is obvious. They played better in the second half but the penalties killed them. Any team worth a bunk can get the ball in from the one. Was a reminder needed that Washington and Sapp play in the middle? I agree that running McGahee wide on that play was a better call. For the most part I think Bledsoe had a fair game. He is getting the ball away quicker but there was too much zing on short passes one leading to an interception. Eric Moulds was a non factor all game meaning he was probably being double covered. So why didn't they throw to the wheels - Lee Evans? The offensive line simply stinks. Mike Williams was getting tossed out of the way. When in field goal range the line collapsed forcing Bledsoe to get sacked out of 3 point range. The Bills could have escaped with a win but once again they are saddled with a stinging 13- 10 loss.


I do have one question. On the play when Bledsoe sacrificed his body to throw a catchable ball for a first down only to have it dropped, who dropped the ball? Was it McGahee? That first down would have put the Bills close to the red zone again.


Another question. Are the Bills getting better or worse?

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Drew busted his ass all day. He put the ball to the receivers only for them to dissapoint and DROP THE DAMN THING. The score could have been much in the bills favor. Had the wr's caught the damn balls and the offensive line blocked/protected.


I would not blame drew if he wanted to up an leave this team.

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Sue, I agree that there were a lot of drops (again).  Moulds made a nice play on the TD but he consistently drops 2-3 catchable balls per game.  And who was the bozo that dropped the short pass (would have neen a first down) on the play where Drew got creamed?  The announcers never gave the name.



I believe the drop that you are referrring to was McGahee's. Drew showed some bawls in making that play.


The Bills are two plays away from being 2 - 0. At least we haven't seen the blowouts of last year (yet). But the offense still is not producing.

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Wake up Buffalo the real #1 problem on this team is TRAVIS HENRY. Why you ask? Because he is directly responsible for alot of negative plays resulting in punts or INT'S or fumbles. For example in the first half Travis #1) totally whiffs on a block causing a sack( this was not the O-LINE) and the result was PUNT, #2) Falls down twice on consecutive plays when the hole was there and the result was PUNT, #3)Lets a pass right to him go threw his hands and the result is INT, #4) When we go for it at the goal line on fourth down he falls down again when he should of scored and the result was TURNOVER ON DOWNS. This was four drives that stood out that Travis was the direct cause of the drive failure. I am not saying Henry is the only problem. I am not saying the O-LINE is not a problem. I am not saying Bledsoe is not a problem. I am saying that HENRY IS THE # 1 REASON WHY BUFFALO SUCKS ON OFFENSE.

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After this game, I'm not convinced that the coaching staff hasn't been setting us up to go deeper down field. Our QB had several opportunities (with good protection) Sunday to throw the deep ball, but he elected to dump off to a back for minimal gain. Worst of all, on several occasions he skipped the ball to the receiver. He clearly looked down field but did not pull the trigger. Either our WRs aren't getting open, or Drew has lost his confidence in the deep ball.




from Drew's perspective, the Bills don't have "open" receivers very often becasuse they don't have 5 yards of seperation from the DB so Drew doesn't feef comfortable attempting the pass.


NFL QBs need to throw the ball on the WRs break, not wait for coverage breakdowns.


The opportunities are there, but our QB is incapable of even attempting to make a play.

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Drew busted his ass all day. He put the ball to the receivers only for them to dissapoint and DROP THE DAMN THING. The score could have been much in the bills favor. Had the wr's caught the damn balls and the offensive line blocked/protected.


I would not blame drew if he wanted to up an leave this team.




it is not Drew's fault that he is slow, has no pocket awareness and no confidence in his own ability.

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Drew busted his ass all day. He put the ball to the receivers only for them to dissapoint and DROP THE DAMN THING. The score could have been much in the bills favor. Had the wr's caught the damn balls and the offensive line blocked/protected.


I would not blame drew if he wanted to up an leave this team.



Sue, no offense, but what game were you watching?


I know its the popular thing to say our o-line blows (and they are NOT very good, i know) but at what point did Bledsoe look even remotly like a good QB yesterday.


Listen, there were at LEAST 9 times where Bledsoe had 4+ seconds. That's decent protection. 3 of those that I can remember clearly where thrown at the receivers feet - BAD PASSES. Two that i know of were thrown so damn hard and high NO ONE could have caught them. AND he was sacked 7 times, one of which put us out of FG range.


I know you like defending him - you like him. So do I - as a person. But I will not sit back anymore and let this team fall apart around him.


An offensive line is 5 guys. A QB is one.


To me, the answer as to which is easier to replace is pretty obvious.


Again, the Oline played average yesterday. Bledsoe played WELL below that.

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