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Eric Moulds Shades of Scottie Pippen?

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My recollection is that Pippen refused to take the court for the final seconds of one game because Phil Jackson called a play where rather than Pip being the go-to fuy for the final shot, he was merely to be used as a decoy to get another Bull open.


I think this occured after Jordan retired (the first time) and Scottie saw his role on the team as Jordan's replacement and the best player who was always called upon to take the last second shot with the team and the game resting on his shoulders.


Obviously Pippen is really only one of top 50 players in NBA history with MJ there drawing coverage and finding Pippen when he is double (or triple) teamed.


I think the Bills are like the Bulls without MJ, merely a pedestrian team without a go-to guy. Moulds exaggerates his skills and importance if he does not realize that he has great skills (and probably still is the best athlete on this team) but his value to the TEAM winning is just as likely to be as a decoy as it is as a go to guy.


MM (TD) should also learn from this situation as they can try to hold to some dogma about what an athlete should do an be, however, Phil Jackson and the Bulls braintrust were smart enough to overlook this transgression (a much bigger sin in my mind than Moulds pulling himself out of Sunday's game if that is what he did) and once MJ came back Pippen played a key role in helping the Bulls get 3 worl championships with Pippen leading MJ's "supporting cast"


It looks to me as if both the Bills and Moulds screwed up on this one. However, in my mind, I find MM having no other tools besides suspending Moulds in his employer/team leader tool chest than I'm worried about Moulds being pissed for not relied upon as our go-to guy.

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My recollection is that Pippen refused to take the court for the final seconds of one game because Phil Jackson called a play where rather than Pip being the go-to fuy for the final shot, he was merely to be used as a decoy to get another Bull open.


I think this occured after Jordan retired (the first time) and Scottie saw his role on the team as Jordan's replacement and the best player who was always called upon to take the last second shot with the team and the game resting on his shoulders.


Obviously Pippen is really only one of top 50 players in NBA history with MJ there drawing coverage and finding Pippen when he is double (or triple) teamed.


I think the Bills are like the Bulls without MJ, merely a pedestrian team without a go-to guy.  Moulds exaggerates his skills and importance if he does not realize that he has great skills (and probably still is the best athlete on this team) but his value to the TEAM winning is just as likely to be as a decoy as it is as a go to guy.


MM (TD) should also learn from this situation as they can try to hold to some dogma about what an athlete should do an be, however, Phil Jackson and the Bulls braintrust were smart enough to overlook this transgression (a much bigger sin in my mind than Moulds pulling himself out of Sunday's game if that is what he did) and once MJ came back Pippen played a key role in helping the Bulls get 3 worl championships with Pippen leading MJ's "supporting cast"


It looks to me as if both the Bills and Moulds screwed up on this one. However, in my mind, I find MM having no other tools besides suspending Moulds in his employer/team leader tool chest than I'm worried about Moulds being pissed for not relied upon as our go-to guy.



That's not a bad comparison Fake. Pippen did refuse to take the court in a playoff game following a timeout because the final shot was not drawn up for him. Toni Kukoc proceeded to bury a three at the buzzer with the play Phil Jackson drew up, and the rest is history. He and Phil cleared the air, and he played the next game (obviously it was playoffs, so the stakes were a little higher.)


Moulds made a huge error by taking himself out. If you don't like what the offense is doing when you are up 21-0 early in the game, then you have some issues. All NFL receivers are an ornery bunch; even when they are double teamed, they will tell anybody who will listen that they are open. But for Moulds to take himself out of a game, (and not be happy that a young receiver he helped groom scored 3 TD's) is rediculous. Moulds' actions, as well as his words earlier in the season, suggest that he is more content losing, so long as Kelly Holcomb is throwing the ball his way often enough.


And you're right, Mularkey turned this whole episode into a real shi+ show. He "excused" Eric, but needs to find out from his boss if he can suspend him. I think benching #80 for 3 quarters last week proved his point. MM should have spoken with him, let him quietly finish out the season, and let Moulds walk. I don't necessarily agree with letting him walk (note Lee Evans' disappearance Sunday after Moulds got benched) but if it wasn't going to happen before, it sure will now. Mularkey is trying to prove a point, and by strongarming the veterans (Moulds and Adams) he's losing respect in the clubhouse.

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OK .......... you have Phil Jackson drawing up a play ........ do you think he may be qualified ..... do you think you should have confidence with his strategy. I would think so.


Now you have Mike Mularkey ...... who has done what exactly ..... do you think Ruben Brown, Sam Adams, and/or Eric Moulds may be qualified to raise the "bull sh-- flag".



It's a question of qualifications ....... I know MM is the coach ....... and the players are the players ......... and coaches should coach, and players should play ..... but when the established vets start telling the rookie coach he's all F'd up ...... maybe just MAYBE ...... the coach is all F'd up.


Maybe MM should hesitate for a second or two and rethink his position rather than try and paint the vet as a malcontent.

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OK .......... you have Phil Jackson drawing up a play ........ do you think he may be qualified ..... do you think you should have confidence with his strategy. I would think so.


Now you have Mike Mularkey ...... who has done what exactly ..... do you think Ruben Brown, Sam Adams, and/or Eric Moulds may be qualified to raise the "bull sh-- flag".

It's a question of qualifications ....... I know MM is the coach ....... and the players are the players ......... and coaches should coach, and players should play ..... but when the established vets start telling the rookie coach he's all F'd up ...... maybe just MAYBE ...... the coach is all F'd up.


Maybe MM should hesitate for a second or two and rethink his position rather than try and paint the vet as a malcontent.



My sense is that MM appears to have over-played his hand badly.


1. If you are going to suspend a player (which costs him $ which is the only language many players understand) that is fine but you better have the power to suspend him. The fact that this issue is twisting in the wind is not good.


2. Leading a team is a combination of respect and fear. This appears to be a situtation where the players may end up not respecting MM (cause he did not facedown Moulds directly behind the scenes) and they may end up not even fearing him if going to cry to Daddy (RWS) saves Moulds 1-4 games worth of money.


3. The tough thing here is that it is hard to win a war with 52% support. The opponents (whether they be opposing NFL teams going for the SB or terrorists in Iraq) will exploit the disenssion at home and beat the crap out of you in significant ways. MM may end up losing it all because the players whom he leads will know they have to look out for themselves ratber than their teammates first because like Bobby Shaw and now Moulds they may not have the same teammates much lonnger. Even worse if running to Daddy (RWS) saves Moulds some scratch) though my guess is that he is done as a Bill then MM will have neither the respect or fear from his players.


There is more to be told regarding this but it does ot look good.

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My recollection is that Pippen refused to take the court for the final seconds of one game because Phil Jackson called a play where rather than Pip being the go-to fuy for the final shot, he was merely to be used as a decoy to get another Bull open.


I think this occured after Jordan retired (the first time) and Scottie saw his role on the team as Jordan's replacement and the best player who was always called upon to take the last second shot with the team and the game resting on his shoulders.


Obviously Pippen is really only one of top 50 players in NBA history with MJ there drawing coverage and finding Pippen when he is double (or triple) teamed.


I think the Bills are like the Bulls without MJ, merely a pedestrian team without a go-to guy.  Moulds exaggerates his skills and importance if he does not realize that he has great skills (and probably still is the best athlete on this team) but his value to the TEAM winning is just as likely to be as a decoy as it is as a go to guy.


MM (TD) should also learn from this situation as they can try to hold to some dogma about what an athlete should do an be, however, Phil Jackson and the Bulls braintrust were smart enough to overlook this transgression (a much bigger sin in my mind than Moulds pulling himself out of Sunday's game if that is what he did) and once MJ came back Pippen played a key role in helping the Bulls get 3 worl championships with Pippen leading MJ's "supporting cast"


It looks to me as if both the Bills and Moulds screwed up on this one. However, in my mind, I find MM having no other tools besides suspending Moulds in his employer/team leader tool chest than I'm worried about Moulds being pissed for not relied upon as our go-to guy.



I was at that game in 1994 at the old stadium. Let me tell you it's a different situation, but it could be similar if they make up. If they don't then it's different. Both teams were way ahead and the Bulls almost blew the game, but didn't thanks to Toni Kukoc last second shot. Pippen wasn't happy but eventually they made up and became good friends again. The Bills however didn't hold on to there lead and as of now Moulds and Mularkey are not on the same page.

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