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10 most hysteria-inducing moments on the board

what are the most hysteria-inducing moments in recent bills history?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. what are the most hysteria-inducing moments in recent bills history?

    • eric moulds suspension
    • ruben b. suspension after alleged leap across table at gilbride
    • hiring of tom donohoe
    • trading for bledsoe
    • cutting bledsoe
    • flutie/johnson in the great qb debate of 2000
    • john butler's quitting/firing
    • george seifert airport sighting in january 04
    • home run forward lateral
    • just give it to 'em

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I'd go for the just give-it-to-them but there far fewer kool-aid drinkers back then




I don't know which had the most "hysteria" associated with it when it happened, but the "Flutie/Johnson" debate certainly has had the longest life...I think it gets mentioned in one thread almost every day...it has become part of Buffalo Bills mythology....

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To be an all-timer, I think you have to limit to the ones where the Board actually CRASHED. I'm going with ... naming Rob the starter for the playoff game against the Titans. The board actually crashed on that one.


That's not fair, because it doesn't crash anymore due to the server upgrade and code tweaks.... :devil:


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I don't know which had the most "hysteria" associated with it when it happened, but the "Flutie/Johnson" debate certainly has had the longest life...I think it gets mentioned in one thread almost every day...it has become part of Buffalo Bills mythology....


that's true, and it even led to the departure of a few posters.... :D:devil:

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To be an all-timer, I think you have to limit to the ones where the Board actually CRASHED. I'm going with ... naming Rob the starter for the playoff game against the Titans. The board actually crashed on that one.


excellent point. i thought about including that one, but the bitterness and spite the following season between the two was so intense that i ended up choosing it. i felt i could only pick one.

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what's the set your clock meltdown?


We had a certain poster (who I lovingly called "Timmah" in honor of the disabled South Park character who only utters his own name - because that's who he most reminded me of) who would literally lose his mind. It happened so regularly there was rumors that the US Naval Observatory considered setting their master clock by it instead of their currently accepted atomic source.


Spectacular stuff. Truly.

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We had a certain poster (who I lovingly called "Timmah" in honor of the disabled South Park character who only utters his own name - because that's who he most reminded me of) who would literally lose his mind.  It happened so regularly there was rumors that the US Naval Observatory considered setting their master clock by it instead of their currently accepted atomic source.


Spectacular stuff.  Truly.


that sorta vaguely rings a bell. what's the nom de guerre of said perpetrator?

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There's no choices involving Retatta, Timmah's "set your clock meltdown", or Spiked Lemonade's crusades.  Hence this poll is as valid as virtually all of the rest ever proposed - pure Mularkey.


You forgot the homework threads, and horrible person. Classics, one and all. :devil:

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From my perspective, the only choice is Homerun Throwback. It was the perfect storm. Not only did we get back-doored by the officials, but it was the whole Rob lost/Flutie was screwed intertwined.


To put numbers on it (remember this was back in 1999), on really, really active days we would get 600 messages posted (small by today's standards). On that day, we had 1200 in a few hours before we were turned off. I estimated it would have been about a 2000 message day. I got hate mail because I did not lease multiple servers and setup a distributive computing cluster for one playoff game (considering the perl code I was running it would have taken that much).


The day Johnson was announced over Flutie was large too. That was in the dark days of Rivals.com. Even with that piss-poor operation, we managed to get 250,000 page views in one day (I can only imagine what it would have been if the boards were responsive). That was 5x the normal traffic back then.

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From my perspective, the only choice is Homerun Throwback.  It was the perfect storm.  Not only did we get back-doored by the officials, but it was the whole Rob lost/Flutie was screwed intertwined.


To put numbers on it (remember this was back in 1999), on really, really active days we would get 600 messages posted (small by today's standards).  On that day, we had 1200 in a few hours before we were turned off.  I estimated it would have been about a 2000 message day.  I got hate mail because I did not lease multiple servers and setup a distributive computing cluster for one playoff game (considering the perl code I was running it would have taken that much).


The day Johnson was announced over Flutie was large too.  That was in the dark days of Rivals.com.  Even with that piss-poor operation, we managed to get 250,000 page views in one day (I can only imagine what it would have been if the boards were responsive).  That was 5x the normal traffic back then.


Don't underestimate the shock value of that one too. For a lot of us, the announcement was followed by a sincere "WHAT?!?!?" The weird thing is, in retrospect, I actually was a little "won over" by Rob's play in the Titans game. like I tell the Bills-bashers here in DSmall-bany, Rob didn't lose that game. He took 'em down the field and scored at the end when he had to. God, the memories... Remember him rolling out without a shoe when the pocket collapsed and hitting the pass for the first down?
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Remember him rolling out without a shoe when the pocket collapsed and hitting the pass for the first down?



The guy ended up being a sh------- QB, but that was a hell of a play. RJ might not be considered the same QB today had that game turned out differently.

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