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If you're going to jump ship then, hell, be a dolphin fan. They're about as fickle as they come. It's not 'our dolphins' unless they win, and no one wears dolphin paraphenalia unless they win. If they're behind at the half, they're in the car and heading home.

Yeah, you'd fit right in as a dolfelon.

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Don't do it. here's why ... I sat through too many 3-11, 2-12, 2-14 and 1-and-whatever seasons to recall without crying. Know what? Years later, as I was settling into my sideline seats at the Super Bowl, those years made the experience SO much sweeter. Build your karma now for when we take it all!

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If you have to ask whether you should switch teams, maybe you should. Nobody wants a fairweather fan, and despite all the bitching only fairweather fans would consider that.





Guys, cut the brother some slack. If I have the backstory correct, longtime Browns fan who only came to the Bills when Cleveland moved. Think about how much loyalty you would have to a team other than the Bills if the Bills moved. I give him some credit for not immediately jumping on the new Browns, that prolly how much the move hurt him.


Someone once said on this board, and for the life of me can't remember who"the Bills choose you, you did not choose the Bills". How true, but Buckeye chose the Bills, and since hes been a watching, nothing but one screw up after another.


I certainly cant blame him

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If you have to ask whether you should switch teams, maybe you should. Nobody wants a fairweather fan, and despite all the bitching only fairweather fans would consider that.





I thought people were born on teams. ala Jerry Sienfield. Twitch teams if you want but I don't think you will be able to come back to our team. Plus think about all the time you would need to spend at the gym doing squats! :flirt:

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You should seriously consider being a Patriot's fan. Bailing on your team isn't something they look down upon, but rather consider a part of being a fan. When the team is winning, show up. When the team is losing, they find another team or another sport. Then when they're winning again, go back, and they'll welcome you with open arms.


Browns fans are too legit to tolerate a flip-flopper. Pats fans are made for guys like you.

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Wow, Mike. Just,  Wow. :flirt:



Just to make sure everyone knows, I am not a flip-flopper, nor a fickle person. It was a question that had to be asked, pure and simple.


The story is correct...I am here largely because the original Browns pulled up stakes. I would have been a fan of that team for life. At least, God forbid, I'm not a Steelers fan.


But now, I think that I am at a crossroads as a fan. Do you take the hometown boys, who might have a better future? Or do you continue to dance with the one who brung you the past few years?



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Just to make sure everyone knows, I am not a flip-flopper, nor a fickle person.  It was a question that had to be asked, pure and simple.


The story is correct...I am here largely because the original Browns pulled up stakes.  I would have been a fan of that team for life.  At least, God forbid, I'm not a Steelers fan.


But now, I think that I am at a crossroads as a fan.  Do you take the hometown boys, who might have a better future?  Or do you continue to dance with the one who brung you the past few years?







Really. Does it really matter? No it doesn't.


You weren't BORN with this like most of us were. You weren't raised a Bills fan, so what does it matter? Root for the Browns. Enjoy.

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You weren't BORN with this like most of us were. You weren't raised a Bills fan, so what does it matter? Root for the Browns. Enjoy.


My point exactly. My parents raised me incorrectly and I am a Bills fan.


(Hey Dad, if you are lurking, it is all your fault).

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You should seriously consider being a Patriot's fan. Bailing on your team isn't something they look down upon, but rather consider a part of being a fan.  When the team is winning, show up. When the team is losing, they find another team or another sport. Then when they're winning again, go back, and they'll welcome you with open arms.


Browns fans are too legit to tolerate a flip-flopper. Pats fans are made for guys like you.


You speak the truth. Two years from now all the Brady jerseys will be replaced by Eli Manning jerseys. I'm sure Pats fans are very conflicted right now. Should they continue to root for the Pats, who are clearly in decline? Or should they go back to rooting for the Giants, the team they supported until the mid-90s? It must be hard jumping from one bandwagon to the next.

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My point exactly. My parents raised me incorrectly and I am a Bills fan.


(Hey Dad, if you are lurking, it is all your fault).



My dad hated the Bills, why I do not know. Only player he ever liked was Jim Braxton, and I think that was only cause he thought OJ was cry baby

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