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Mort chat - TON of Bills/Moulds stuff

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Adam (Morgantown): Im just curious on what you think about the Eric Moulds situation in Buffalo and what you think they should do in the offseason as in changes in the fornt office and coaching staff?


Mort: If a player is reblling against his coach's authority, he should face a big fine and/or suspension. I would not make any changes with thr front office or the coach. I don't know how anybody there could have anticpated a collapse by a defense that was ranked No. 2 each of the last years in which 10 starters was returning.



Bill (Milwaukee, WI): Follow-up on the Moulds thing in Buffalo. If it was as simple as Moulds rebelling against Coach Mularkey, why not come straight out and announce it? Why use all the double talk in his press conference, and why wait until Ralph Wilson talks to Moulds, Coach Mularkey and Tom Donohoe??? Sounds like there's more to it to me....


Mort: I think suspension is an extreme penalty and that''s why the delay until Wilson talks to Moulds.



John (NY): J.P. Losman..overrated? under-developed? as people say...or is it time to cut losses(example: Mike Williams) and re-build a O-Line that can get the job done as Drew is in Dallas? Or do the coaches need to make adjustments?


Mort: There seems to be a lot of positive word on Losman based on how he's looked the past two or three games.




Brad (Albuquerque): Doesnt Moulds have a right to grips about play calling though?..I mean Mularkey's supposed to be an offensive coach and he allowed yet another loss they should've won.


Mort: He absolutely has the right to gripe but he does not have the right to refuse to play when he is healthy. And even as a member of the media, I would say that griping is always done better in private, face-to-face. Moulds didn't even show up for a scheduled meeting Monday with Mularkey.



sean (ny): Mort,what do you think is going to happen with buffalo CB Nate Clements for next season?


Mort: I don't know. Scouts say he's not having a very good year but he is a corner with skill and those guys are valuable. I'm anxious to see if the Bills let him become a free agent.



Mark (Chicago, IL): Does Tom Donohoe get a free pass from ESPN because he used to work for them and Millen used to work for Fox so he gets raked over the coals by you guys?


Mort: That must be it. I will say that I have a lot of respect for Donohoe because I know how thorough he is and I know that the Bills' roster of talent is exteremly well-respected. Tom was only at ESPN for a half-year and we basically saw him briefly but it was enough to develop that respect. The Millen reference to Fox is silly.




Mark (Chicago, IL): Does Tom Donohoe get a free pass from ESPN because he used to work for them and Millen used to work for Fox so he gets raked over the coals by you guys?


Mort: That must be it. I will say that I have a lot of respect for Donohoe because I know how thorough he is and I know that the Bills' roster of talent is exteremly well-respected. Tom was only at ESPN for a half-year and we basically saw him briefly but it was enough to develop that respect. The Millen reference to Fox is silly.




Mark (chicago IL): Mort maybe I am a bitter Bills fan because the team has is being mentioned in the same sentances with Arizona and Houston. All I know is that the Bills could have had AJ Smith instead they went with Donohoe.


Mort: AJ Smith chose to go with john Butletr to San Diego and Ralph Wilson also was looking for a CEO type along with a football man. Under Donohoe's supervision, the Bills' marketing has had great results. And I have never heard the Bills mentioned in the same breath with Arizona and Houston, even though they had an awful, awful loss Sunday.

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