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Ralph Wilson will fire Donahoe tomorrow


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I would look for Donahoe to be fired TOMORROW, and Mularkey put on notice (privately) by Wilson.... the official line will probably be that after meeting together with Moulds and MM, the team decided to not suspend Moulds




Hmmm...today is Dec. 23. You said on Dec. 8 TD would be axed.


Could you tell me who you work for? If it's a big enough outfit that it has a branch where I live, I'd like to know so as not to purchase any goods or services from an outfit that would employ a savant such as yourself..



Know what I mean, Vern? :flirt:

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If the caller was a jerk, I have no problem with TD calling him a jerk.


I have a problem with TD putting together a dominating offensive and defensive line.


If he is around beyond this year, I hope he learned his lesson.

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pardon, but what did TD say about people being "jerks" and why??


On his weekly call in radio show, someone said something rude and TD said something to the effect of "call onother radio station if you want to behave like a jerk"


then WGR took it all out of context, and now people are jsut throwing the phrase "Jerk" around, not really knowing where it came from.

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Ok, let me get this straight. I listened to the audio clip of donahoe's show when he said something along the lines of, "We don't take phone calls from people who act like jerks." This is all I heard, is there more to the story??


You are correct- TD did not call the guy a jerk..... I DID.

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