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Hope Moulds detrimental actions merit a suspension

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The word is right now that Mort is reporting that Moulds's actions detrimental to the team was missing a mandatory meeting with Mularkey.


I hope that if MM is asking for a suspension from Ralph its a lot more than that, because if that crime is what we're disciplining him for, it would seem that there should be a lot of other discipline items in the MM toolkit before he resorts to putting a poorer quality product on the field.


I have no problem at all with the an HC (or any employer or leader) discipling an employee. In fact, if an HC, an employer or any leader is any good, the he/she must discipline employees who get out of line and hurt the team effort.


However, there is a lot of explaining that seems due the players teammates and the fans (customers) of the team if the HC is going to choose a method of discipline that it going to impact the quality of the product that they present to the public.


i think that in many cases discipline like this is best kept between the managers and the employee or best kept within the team. However, if the discipline wanders off into the area of fan interaction with the team by impacting the product we put on the field, then a fuller explanation is merited and is necessary in any case or its reasonable for the customers to lose confidence in the product.


The Bills do have lots of rights to keep things private if they choose, but if they choose to be less forthcoming to the fans, then they should not be shocked or object if some of their customers do not like it if the team chooses not to put the best product on the field.


I really aggree with a case like TO in Philly where the player took actions publicly detrimental to his teammates and the team and they disciplined this player by costing him cash (unforutnately the only language many players understand)by suspending him and putting a less competitive and entertaining product on the field.


However, in Moulds case, if this is in fact disicipline as reported for him missing a mandatory meeting with MM, then disciplining him by putting a worse product on the field seems to be poor disicipline. Fine him? Yes. Strip him of any team honors of leadership tokens (some report he was named a team captain)? Sure.


However, not putting your best product on the field and working to win each game one game at a time (playoff eligible or not) seems to me to be poor management.


This inquiring mind really wants more info on why this is a merited decision and I hope that this request is justified. The worse case to me would be to make a decision which impacts his teammates and the public's chances at winning the game and for the managers to then claim that no explanation will be given.


It would seem a poor business and team practice on their part if this is the case and they should not be surprised if they lose some support unless they can reasonably explain why they are going to suspend Moulds and put a lesser product on the field.

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