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December 7, 1941

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I don't know if that is true or not...but it is certainly irrelevant to the argument.


You brought up the fact that since Germany declared war on us, and Japan attacked us that it was okay to declare war on Germany. Using your same logic, since Al Qaeda attcked us and Iraq had declared war on us, therefore we could declare war on them. :)

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Actually, Germany didn't have to declare war based on Japan. The agreement called for mutual defense if attacked, and as Japan was the aggressor, it was moot.



The issue isn't whether they had to...it was whether they did..I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me as to when there was a formal declaration of war on us by Iraq. Not saying it didn't happen, but I'd like some particulars.

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You brought up the fact that since Germany declared war on us, and Japan attacked us that it was okay to declare war on Germany.  Using your same logic, since Al Qaeda attcked us and Iraq had declared war on us, therefore we could declare war on them.  :)



Of course this begs the rather important point that Congress declares war as it did against Japan and Germany and it has not to this day declared war on Iraq. But why quibble?

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You brought up the fact that since Germany declared war on us, and Japan attacked us that it was okay to declare war on Germany.  Using your same logic, since Al Qaeda attcked us and Iraq had declared war on us, therefore we could declare war on them.  :)



I don't think I said that. I think I said something like this:


Fact is we declared war on Germany after Germany declared war on us. Fact is also that Germany had a treaty with Japan (the Real Axis of Evil), and I don't believe Al Qaeda had any kind of treaty with Saddam. Truth be told I don't believe they even liked each other all that much.


I suspect if there had been a formal declaration of war against us, Colin Powell would have brought it up as a basis for our invasion and occupation of Iraq. Seems like a better justification than that little shaker of salt he was flashing around as a basis for invasion.

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Clinton didn't declare war on Bosnia and we are still there.  Where is your outrage on that?



I'm reacting to the analogy of Roosevelt's address to Congress...where, by the way he was asking for a declaration of war against a real enemy (where Bush never asked for a declaration of war, gave a statement of facts that justified the declaration of war...and didn't have a real enemy) :) ...to Bush's actions on Iraq. Bosnia isn't something I'm outraged about. I suspect part of it has to do with all of those coffins coming home from Iraq that didn't come home from Bosnia. But that's for another post.

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Halliburton "being there" is kind of a given.  the $150.00/hour Blackwater security gaurds from Iraq are getting for doing jobs that $12.00 security gaurds could do better.


You're right Paul...I must admit my error. They are getting $150 an hour for doing a job that a $12.00 an hour security gaurd could do AS WELL. Although my contacts in New Orleans maintain that they are more trouble than they are worth.

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I suspect, as casualties are NOT NOW near 3000, you made it up. 


And herein we discover your problem...you don't know the difference between make-believe and reality...  :flirt:


Oh...you think existing casualties are static and no more will happen? From your lips to God's ear..but I kinda f-ing doubt it as we used to say in a previous war.

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Will the U.S. military have a permanent prescence in iraq similar to korea ? Considering now that iraq is being held together with U.S. MILITARY and if they pulled out like they did in vietnam, iraq would become a terrorist state ? To reflect back on the decision to go in iraq, I thought they should have let the inspectors keep searching... I remember rumsfeld saying he knew where the wmd,s were .... Hopefully the U.S. can stabalize iraq and leave..

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Oh...you think existing casualties are static and no more will happen?  From your lips to God's ear..but I kinda f-ing doubt it as we used to say in a previous war.


It's nice to see you being so cavalier with other's lives prior to their apparently inevitable demise. I have a feeling you're not going to be around here very long.

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It's nice to see you being so cavalier with other's lives prior to their apparently inevitable demise.  I have a feeling you're not going to be around here very long.



Let me respond on behalf of Tenny:


"It's not me who's being cavalier, it's Bush staying in Iraq piling up the body count and Halliburton's profits before he bugs out."

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