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Holidays are Stressful, and I am Tired of Losing

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Holidays are Stressful, and I am Tired of Losing

Can I still root for the Bills?

by Tony Bogyo

December 6, 2005


The holiday season is upon us and with it comes the extra hustle and

bustle and stress that can really drag you down. There simply isn't

enough time in the day to go about your normal daily business while also

putting up holiday decorations, fighting the crowds at the mall and

wondering how you're ever going to wrap that hockey stick you got for

your nephew.


On Saturday I spent multiple hours on a ladder putting up the Christmas

lights, fighting with extension cords and wondering why in the name of

all that is holy I was risking my life to provide a festive display for

my neighbors and passersby. Although I am confident that I now possess

the electrical planning skills needed to rewire New Orleans, I am sad to

report that the lights are so poorly made that they do not stay on all

at once (if anyone knows where I can obtain reasonably rugged lights to

replace the substandard pieces of junk made by Chinese slave labor that

I currently have, please drop me a line).


No sooner did I get off the ladder than I got in the car and spent some

quality time shopping with the drooling masses of idiots at Wal-Mart and

Best Buy - I swear their merchandise is made from Soylent Green - you

can feel the evil just walking through those stores. You don't really

want to buy a DVD player for $29, but somehow you do because all the

other lemmings are doing it and it's such a great deal! I bought 8 and I

don't even want them, but I feared being reported to authorities if I

didn't do my duty as a consumer and do my part to support

hyper-capitalism and its impact around the world.


I thought Sunday would be a much better day - Bills football and a

chance to see how J.P. Losman was progressing. The game really lifted me

out of the holiday blues. Losman and the Bills came out on fire -

possibly the best start to any game I had ever seen. 2 really nice long

passes to Lee Evans for scores and a turnover on defense - this is

certainly a taste of the future Bills, the team that would be a

contender sooner rather than later. The young quarterback looked really

good - doing the little things that the great ones do but are so hard to

learn like looking off a safety. Knowing the playoffs were all but out

of reach, I was content to see the Bills play well and make progress for

the future.


Somewhere along the line, the Bills fell apart in a collapse of epic

proportion. If you saw it, you know there really aren't words to

describe it. It's a numbness mixed with gnawing at the gut. Your stomach

feels hollow; the blood rushes from your face and you feel light-headed.

You get tunnel vision and stare off into nothing, unable to process the

events around you. I've had it before, but Sunday's case was most severe

since the forward lateral play in Tennessee a few years back.


A day later and the feeling isn't much better. The numbness has worn off

and I've been able to hold down food, but the realization has set in

that the Bills give me no reason to take pride in being a Bills fan.


It's funny being a Bills fan. You grow up with them in Western New York

and they become something that stays with you the rest of your life. You

may move out of the area, but chances are you still root for the red,

white and blue on Sundays. You own and continue to buy all things

Buffalo Bills - from the cap and jersey down to the officially-licensed

shower curtain and fondue set.


The last half-dozen years have certainly tested the spirits of Bills

fans, but today I, like many others, feel no desire to proclaim

membership in Bills Nation. It's not abandoning the team (I'll certainly

keep rooting for them after I get over today's pain), it's simply desire

to publicly disassociate oneself from a hapless franchise. Like the

Saints fans of yesteryear who wore bags over their heads but still went

to the game because they could not tear themselves away from their team,

I feel that I also need some anonymity.


Nobody likes a loser in the NFL, the league where greatness is cyclical.

Great teams years ago have fallen back to earth, while those perennially

wallowing in mediocrity have risen to the ranks of playoff contenders.

Sooner or later, your team will rise again thanks to the salary cap,

schedule and the draft.


After phenomenal success in the early 1990s, the Bills were due to fall

from greatness. John Butler left and the Bills were stuck in salary cap

hell. It took a few years, but eventually the team put their financial

woes to rest and began rebuilding. Within 5 years or so the Bills should

have been on the rise, back in position to contend for playoff berths

and division championships. The task was made more difficult by the

success of the New England Patriots, but because the NFL is cyclical

they would eventually come back to earth.


Unfortunately, the Bills never emerged from their fall and appear to be

sliding down towards a period of rebuilding. After years of waiting for

the playoffs, it doesn't appear that they will contend in the near

future. Too many pieces need to be put into place - offensive and

defensive lines, cornerback, safety - to accomplish the task in less

than a few years.


As a fan, I'm tired of waiting for next year, thinking that the Bills

are almost there. I am tired of watching a team find new and imaginative

ways to abuse my emotions on a weekly basis. I am tired of explaining

why I wear a Bills cap in New England and reminding Patriots fans that

the day will come when my Bills are a good team. I've realized that

instead of looking like a guy with pride in my team, I look like a guy

who doesn't know any better than to look like a complete fool. A guy who

goes to see the Harlem Globetrotters and roots for the New York

Nationals. A guy who plays the role of a modern day Sisyphus.


As if my holiday stress and Bills pain were not enough, today marks the

day Sports Illustrated announced its choice for Sportsman of the Year.

Like a dagger to the heart, there on the cover is Tom Brady, golden-boy

nemesis of the Bills and quarterback of the very beatable 7-5 New

England Patriots. The guy who should be watching the Bills win the AFC

East. The guy who will undoubtedly add more pain to our Sunday afternoon

next week.


Is it any wonder that the suicide rate spikes this time of year? It's

more than a Bills fan should have to bear.

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Why not just enjoy the holiday spirit that hopefully exists within you and your family? Don't put up lights for your neighbors to enjoy. Put them up for you to enjoy. Don't go shopping expecting to be the only person in the store looking for that one item, go to the malls and store and have fun watching the people. Watch the kids excitement at looking at all the toys, decorations etc...look at the parents that are running ragged trying to keep up with the kids. Enjoy the season! Too many people make themselves miserable this time of year trying to get the best gifts so they can show off. This is the best time of year, enjoy it. And as for the Bills, imagine life if they were to move out of Buffalo, see how miserable you will be then!

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Why not just enjoy the holiday spirit that hopefully exists within you and your family?  Don't put up lights for your neighbors to enjoy.  Put them up for you to enjoy.  Don't go shopping expecting to be the only person in the store looking for that one item, go to the malls and store and have fun watching the people.  Watch the kids excitement at looking at all the toys, decorations etc...look at the parents that are running ragged trying to keep up with the kids.  Enjoy the season!  Too many people make themselves miserable this time of year trying to get the best gifts so they can show off.  This is the best time of year, enjoy it.  And as for the Bills, imagine life if they were to move out of Buffalo, see how miserable you will be then!



Actually, the holiday stress was for effect (a bit of hyperbole) - just that little something to put the latest loss over the top. I think most of us do get some sort of stress for the holidays - doesn't mean we don't enjoy the season, our families, etc.


In the grand scheme of things the holiday season is fantastic and I'll always be thankful that the Bills are in WNY, but it still didn't make me feel any better at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon (on the bright side, all of my lights now light, so I feel I've obtained some measure of victory)...

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i had an unusual perspective of the game this weekend :) , I was at a bar watching it and after 24-3, I saw the 3 TD's but just missed seeing the safety. After several beers, I looked up at the TV and wondered how they got to 17??????? So you see I only suffered through the last TD, which in and of itself is bad enough, but I completely missed the meat of the game due to drinking


Actually, the holiday stress was for effect (a bit of hyperbole) - just that little something to put the latest loss over the top. I think most of us do get some sort of stress for the holidays - doesn't mean we don't enjoy the season, our families, etc.


In the grand scheme of things the holiday season is fantastic and I'll always be thankful that the Bills are in WNY, but it still didn't make me feel any better at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon (on the bright side, all of my lights now light, so I feel I've obtained some measure of victory)...


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