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Takeo Spikes


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Too bad but I think TKO is done.  No one at his age comes back full strength from an injury like this.




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2002 New York Jets 16 127 91.0 36 2

2003 New York Jets 15 140 96.0 44 2

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Too bad but I think TKO is done. No one at his age comes back full strength from an injury like this.


The only two LB's I can think of who have had this injury are J. Peterson and S. Cowart. Even thoug J. Peterson is a few years younger than TKO, he doesn't seem to have lost a step. From what I've been hearing about his recovery I'm not too worried.

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28??? :blink:


Next December 17th TKO will be 30


If it makes cap sense, TKO will be gone at the end of next season


Firsts some realities:

1) Spikes is in his 8th year.

2) Most pros lose a step by their 8th to 10th year.

3) In an injury like this most lose flexibility not only at the foot but the whole leg.

4) Flexibility is key in body quickness and avoiding future injury.


Now I take out my crystal ball:


TKO comes back to play for Bills next season after taking it easy during camp and preseason. By the first few games it becomes apparent that he has lost a step and is very average. Spikes will be nagged with playable injuries all season long like hamstring and groin and possibly back. At the end of next season TKO will be traded or cap axed at an appropriate time that saves Bills $.

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Too bad but I think TKO is done.  No one at his age comes back full strength from an injury like this.



Takeo is a very determined player and person. I think he'll be ready to go again next season and have a pro bowl season.

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Do you think he wishes he'd stayed in Cincinnati??



If so, then he'd be wise to remember the old axiom:


"You can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up faster."



At the time he left Cincy they were in shambles. Hindsight is 20/20.

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