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The worse part about this is....


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15% of the teams going 0-2 end up making the playoffs. This season is almost over and Bledsoe's best days are WELL behind him. I hope Loseman is a fast healer.

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we will be lucky if we win 5 games. Our o-line is horrible. Mike Williams is horrible. Did any of you see how many times he got schooled today. For a # 4 pick, he's been a bust. Come to think about it, a lot of TDs picks have been busts. I think it's time for TD and DB to go!

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we're also now behind in two tie-breakers with other AFC teams.  0-2 to start.  0-2 in the AFC.  And the schedule gets even harder.





Take heart. By Wednesday, someone will be posting that an 0 - 4 start will just make the playoffs all the sweeter.


One good thing. As the lost total mounts, the loon-like posts evaporate at an an ever-increasing rate.

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