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I love the Bills, but I'm hurtin' right now.


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Call me a fair weather fan if you must but I can't handle any more of the type of games we've had this year. Whether it's the close one in New England to the Blow out in San Diego to the debacle from yesterday my heart can't take it anymore. Don't get me wrong I live and die with the Bills but I'm dead right now. I'll be excited again in the spring come draft time but for now I have to walk away from this team for a few weeks.


Do any of you guys feel this way? I'm probabily exaggerating a little bit but NOT MUCH. I can't even think about this team with out getting totally pissed off at them. The only one I'm not mad at is J.P honestly. Here are my list of guys pissing me off.



Nate Clements- I'm not going into the battle of whether or not he can play corner in this league. He can. We all know it. However, he isn't worth what he's going to try and command so he'll have to go. If he would of just shut his mouth in September no one would have put such lofty expectations on his shoulders.


71 tackles. 1 interception. Not worth 62 million dollars. He's been smoked too frequently this year.


Mike Williams- He's a friggin mess. I don't want him on this team unless he plays for a 6th of his current salary. He's a disgrace to this football team.


Willis McGahee- Intelligence of a rock and plays with no heart. He couldn't care less about what team he played for and it's a shame.


Eric Moulds- Using the media is the easiest way to get a one way ticket out of town. Forget the rumors about his decline. Dude has game.


Tom Clements/Mike Mularkey- Worst playcalling in football. Couldn't make a strong call on a jv football squad. 3rd and 10 and a F!@##*@ JP draw? My god man.


Tom Donahoe- I don't hate him like many others here, but he has to be accountable for the worst offensive/defensive lines in Football.


It's time for me to step back and breathe.




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The problem is the type of loses. I did not expect the bills to be SB champs this year, but I expected them to be respectable and maybe surprising (mostly because it would be a year of developing JP). I thought the team could be average but they have not.


I can take the losses as long as the team tried. The loss to the panthers and Patriots I can take cause they are better teams and the game was close.


The loss to San Diego hurts cause it was a blow out and looked like no one showed up to play. THe loss to the dolphins hurt cause they blew a 21 point lead they had for 3 quarters and lost to the backup QB.


Losses only hurt when the team didn't show any effort and deserved to lose. A loss to a good team or atleast a good effort shown by the bills I can take because I can say at the end of the day that you can't win them all and effort was shown, The opponent was just better that day.


This loss just shows the bills leadership is not there from GM down and that this team is no where near being a competitive team. There is no faith in the HC and it is just becoming a giant mess at OBD that has to be stopped now before it becomes catastrophic.

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I'll be out there tailgating and freezing my ass off against New England this Sunday. Yes it hurts, they are clearly disappointing but it's my small way of supporting NFL football in Buffalo and rooting for good guys like JP, Evans, Fletcher, Schobel, etc...

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I'll be out there freezing my ass off too.... The question is , how do we go into the stadium with a positive attitude. I would have a real problem not booing them if it wasn't for the fact that it's the freeking Patsies that are coming in. I hope they take the wrath of the team. I hope the team comes out fired up and kiskc the Pats asses. I am wondering how the home crowd is going to greet the team during player introductions.... it should be interesting.

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Well I understand your pain...No question...


But I'm not going to back away whatsoever because I want My Buffalo Bills back... <_<


I want the Team Back, the Organization back that only 5 short Years ago was considered one of the NFL Elite...


I want a GM that can recognize passion and excellence in a HC Candidate, like say Marvin Lewis for example (No this is not poor revisionist History... I know Lewis did not want to come to Buffalo...What I question is why the Bills did not, or were unable to, make it more attractive for a Coach of Lewis' calibre...You have to ask yourself, what did Lewis see here that he did not like? Then ask yourself if Lewis knew something we did not at the time...The Guy knows NFL Football...He knew something...), and have the balls to Hire the Guy cause it is the best thing for the Organization, if not for him necessarily...


I want the whole dang thing blown up...Look at what these jokers have done in 5 Years...Just look at it...


I want the Pride to return to The Bills...We are slowly headed down a path now that only Franchises like Arizona and the old Cincy really know....Think about it...Look at what damage has been done in 5 Years and now it seems to be consensus that even if the same people stay in place we are rebuilding again? Are you kidding me?


Get em all out...Get these idiots away from My team... :D


K, rant over.... :lol:

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