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Firing Donahoe won't fix the real problem!


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And for those who don't think Mularkey is a big part of this problem I beg you to really study and understand the psyche of the best NFL Coaches...Then I challange you to find anything in Mularkey that reflects those traits...The quieter Guys like Dungy and Belichick are cerebral...These are sharp, super sharp, Football minds who just don't get outcoached often...Sure they have, or have had, great Talent...but they make the most of what they have regardless...And maybe more importantly they do all the little things, including game Management right most of the time...


Then you have the fiery HC's...Gruden, Parcells, Cower, and even Marvin Lewis in his own way, who sell their message with passion...Well we know MM is not that type of HC...Enough said there...


Lastly, if a New GM comes in...Let the guy pick his HC...I seriously doubt a Guy who is the right Man for the Job will accept Mularkey...He's just not good enough...



And I don't understand what you mean by studying the psyche of coaches. How does one go about doing it ? It is easy to point to a losing record of a team and blame the coaches for it. But it is difficult to make that decision divorced from the talent level of the team. Truth be told, we did not keep PW but have had several key injuries on defense. NC cannot regress overnight - I think the lack of a good push at the DL has put too much pressure on the secondary and they cave in at key moments.

With the disgusting OL we have, how much creativity can a coach have to stay competitive. Our STs are very very good - do you credit April, the players, MM or a combination of all ? I vote for the combo answer.

Bottom line, we have not given MM adequate time or talent to help us understand if he is a good coach or not. On the other hand, I put a lot of blame on TD and think we need to get rid of him.

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And I don't understand what you mean by studying the psyche of coaches. How does one go about doing it ? It is easy to point to a losing record of a team and blame the coaches for it. But it is difficult to make that decision divorced from the talent level of the team. Truth be told, we did not keep PW but have had several key injuries on defense. NC cannot regress overnight - I think the lack of a good push at the DL has put too much pressure on the secondary and they cave in at key moments.

With the disgusting OL we have, how much creativity can a coach have to stay competitive. Our STs are very very good - do you credit April, the players, MM or a combination of all ? I vote for the combo answer.

Bottom line, we have not given MM adequate time or talent to help us understand if he is a good coach or not. On the other hand, I put a lot of blame on TD and think we need to get rid of him.



Maybe your right about MM...but I doubt it...I don't think the guy is good enough, and I don't think he is a Leader...What I mean by psyche is make-up, personality, how they handle adversity, how the Players react to their Leadership, heck even what are their mannorisms, what makes them special...


There is nothing special about Mularkey from what I can see, and on top of it the Guy is just not a real good gameday Coach...He's wishy-washy, and the Play of this Team reflects it...Sure he has not been given the best talent, point taken...But he has not been given the worse talent either...And Talent has nothing to do with a Coach that just does not have a decent feel for the Game as a whole or how best to utilize what he's got...


I'm sorry, but a HC that does not understand the significance of a 23 Point lead over a 20 point lead with 19 minutes left in a Game is just not the Guy for me...I believe that is the most basic type of sound Football Game Coaching, and MM just does not get it...I realize this is just My opinion, and God knows I've been wrong before...But I certainly have my reasons... <_<

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