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A free beer to the board idiot!

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Free beer to the idiot who posts the always famous


"I like the direction this team is going"




"Positives from the game"



Sweet, I'll take a free beer.


Positives from the game:

1) higher draft pick




Now hand over that beer!

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Free beer to the idiot who posts the always famous


"I like the direction this team is going"




"Positives from the game"


Its not idiotic though- we arent a playoff team, and need to improve in several areas.....nothing wrong with noting what we do well

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You're supposed to learn from losses.  We havnen't learned a damned thing!


I agree, these losses do nothing but crush the spirit. They loose in ways such as colapse and blow-outs that you can take nothing from. They will be bad for a long time to come. They are learning how to loose.

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I agree, these losses do nothing but crush the spirit.  They loose in ways such as colapse and blow-outs that you can take nothing from.  They will be bad for a long time to come. They are learning how to loose.



Oh boy. You said "loose." You're going to get a beat down for that..... I did that once... *ducks*

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