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"The Apprentice"


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When the Trumpster fired four candidates a couple weeks ago, I laughed my ass off for the rest of the night. Last night was definitely awesome, too....The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that there are fewer candidates, which means fewer shows left 0:)


PS. Randall = Chuck Norris

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I haven't watched it this year.  What did he do, fire a whole team a couple weeks ago?



He fired 4 out of a 6-person team. Excused the 2 who weren't responsible, then "You're all fired" <_< Last week, he fired one of the 2 teams in the Final 4, leaving the Final 2. Next week (the final) should be good, the final 2 are both excellent & both are facing a major problem that could kill their projects.
Any hotties left?


Rebecca's not bad... I liked it a few weeks ago when Carolyn showed up in a low-cut dinner dress, SCHWEEEEENG! :angry:
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What a dick move! Seriously - it's not like it's a real job, what a jackass. The only downside for him is that he'll have to share the spotlight at stupid charity appearances with her.


I called it an hour ago that he'd hire both, and he wanted to....

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What a dick move! Seriously - it's not like it's a real job, what a jackass. The only downside for him is that he'll have to share the spotlight at stupid charity appearances with her.


I called it an hour ago that he'd hire both, and he wanted to....


Total dick move, what a loser. Here's to all the drunk gamblers pissing all over him.

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What a deeeeck!! How childish can you get? I never realized how annoyingly selfish he is. My wife said she kinda thought it was a bit racist, his company only employs african americans, and he had the chance to be a good guy and he blew it!


He is gonna regret that within the next few weeks, he will be ruined as the guy who wouldnt share. Welcome to the limelight Randal, in one quick minute, you went from King to court jester.

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HOLY CRAP!  Randall just skaaaaa-reeeeeewed Rebecca!




I felt really bad for Rebecca. She got screwed twice. Who the hell is Randall to say no to her.


I think Trump should hire her anyways and give her a better job.

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If Trump were thinking faster, he could have said "Sit down Randall, you are fired, Rebecca, you just got hired"


That would have been awesome! ;) But Jese Jackson & crew would've had a field day if he did. :doh:


I think, in the end, she'll get a better job out of the deal anyways...may not be with Trump, but it'll be better.

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