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New Peace Bridge design selected

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This explains all of the "we need a signature bridge in Buffalo" posts I've been seeing here lately:


The jury's recommendation won quick praise from top political figures. "This is a major step, a huge victory," Mayor Anthony M. Masiello said. "A Christian Menn bridge gives us the signature gateway that we all want and need."


"Today, we have confirmed what we have known for a long time," Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a news release. "Ever since I was first elected senator, the people of Buffalo have been clear that they want a signature bridge. And today, the design jury made it official. A lot of work went into this decision and the jury should be congratulated for their hard work."


Congrats to the City of Buffalo and all of her citizens.

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Good luck with your bridge. Funny, it looks an awful lot like the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge in Boston.


It was part of The Big Dig project.


At the time construction began [1991, planning started in 1982], the whole project (including the Charles River crossing) was projected to cost $5.8 billion. Eventual cost overruns were so high that the chairman of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, James Kerasiotes, was fired in 2000 and his replacement had to commit to a cap in federal contributions of $8.549 billion. Total expenses to date have surpassed $15 billion.


It looks real nice at night when they turn on the blue spotlights, and we thank you for all of the tax dollars you contributed to helping make it all possible.

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It looks real nice at night when they turn on the blue spotlights, and we thank you for all of the tax dollars you contributed to helping make it all possible.




Nice to have powerful Senators in Washington, huh?

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Good luck with your bridge.  Funny, it looks an awful lot like the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge in Boston.


It was part of The Big Dig project.

It looks real nice at night when they turn on the blue spotlights, and we thank you for all of the tax dollars you contributed to helping make it all possible.



Holy crap. Same designer and the same bridge. Hope the Bufftown didn't pay for an "original" design. With that said: Pretty nice bridge.

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They have been talking about this bridge for the last 15-20 years.  Similar to the Bay Bridge fiasco in our neck of the woods.



Right on, I hope they don't have to re-weld the damn thing half way through...


There's a good chance I'll see you guys Sunday. Been out of town every weekend since the Raider game.

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Why not a big slingshot and a giant net? Both sides? One doesn't only get the government money to build and operate, but you can charge 3 bucks a head for the thrill ride?


Think about it.


Maybe a catapult?


Hey, it could work...

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Why not a big slingshot and a giant net? Both sides? One doesn't only get the government money to build and operate, but you can charge 3 bucks a head for the thrill ride?


Think about it.


Maybe a catapult?


Hey, it could work...



There is still time to consider the Peace Tunnel. We could call it the Punnel.

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In other news, viewers will gaze upon this beautiful bridge as they travel on the 190 to the lewiston-queenston bridge, because it will still take 1 hr+ to cross the bridge...




In Canada, they call it the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge...those Canadians sure are crazy, eh?

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They have been talking about building that damn bridge since the late 1980's. I remember doing a project on it in high school in 1988.


Bad news is that by the time it is actually built, cars will be obsolete and there will be no need for a bridge.


Shooting people back and forth using cannons is a much better idea than a stupid bridge. They should throw some sharks and pirannas in the water and make it really interesting. Set up bleachers and charge people a few bucks to come down and watch. Make a damn fortune.


How badly do you want to go to the Canadian Ballet tonight? Really? Get in the Cannon, Sir!

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