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Are we REALLY out of cap hell????


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I know it's commonly stated that TD saved us from cap hell .... but it's also widely said we can't afford free agent (fill in the blank) ...... or we can't afford to resign (fill in the blank).


Looking at our roster it doesn't seem that we have a cadre of high paid players .... I mean we're not paying for a Brees, Rivers, LT ..... or a Manning, Harrison, James ........ What I'm saying is if we add up our entire QB corps plus our recieving corps, AND running back corps ...... do they even equal a Manning ...... or a Farve ....... or a Brees + Rivers ...... or a T.O. + Westbrook + McNabb.


It's been said the highest paid player on the team is Mike Williams (keeping away from the very valid argument of weather he deserves it or not) is his salary actually THAT HIGH that it's crippling our cap that bad?????

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Renegotiating Bledsoe before last season & then cutting him cost us at least 1 or 2 players. It never made any sense to draft a QB with a #1 and then have Bledsoe potentially counting millions in dead space on this year's cap if they decided to go with JP in 2005. Of all the TD moves this was the worst, since Bledsoe was acquired with a built in way out of no cap jail on his contract. TD created a lot of unneeded dead space this season.

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Renegotiating Bledsoe before last season & then cutting him cost us at least 1 or 2 players.  It never made any sense to draft a QB with a #1 and then have Bledsoe potentially counting millions in dead space on this year's cap if they decided to go with JP in 2005.  Of all the TD moves this was the worst, since Bledsoe was acquired with a built in way out of no cap jail on his contract.  TD created a lot of unneeded  dead space this season.


Absolutely inexcusable to not cut our ties with Drew after 2003. :doh:


We're not in cap hell now... just wait, though, the MW and Moulds mess is coming up. Look at the bright side, cleaning it up will get the next GM off to a good start. :doh:

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Absolutely inexcusable to not cut our ties with Drew after 2003. :doh:


We're not in cap hell now... just wait, though, the MW and Moulds mess is coming up. Look at the bright side, cleaning it up will get the next GM off to a good start. :doh:



If we aren't in cap hell ..... why didn't we sign Cory Simon??? Why do we think we can't resign Clements???? why can't we pick up an offesive lineman worth a crap???

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why didn't we sign Cory Simon???


Good question. :doh:


Why do we think we can't resign Clements????


IMO because of the upcoming mess wih MW and Moulds. :doh:


why can't we pick up an offesive lineman worth a crap???


IMO because of the huge contract we gave MW,and the relatively big contract we gave to old CV & the relatively big extension we gave to TT. No more $$$ to spend on the OL. :angry:
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I know it's commonly stated that TD saved us from cap hell .... but it's also widely said we can't afford free agent (fill in the blank) ...... or we can't afford to resign (fill in the blank).


Looking at our roster it doesn't seem that we have a cadre of high paid players .... I mean we're not paying for a Brees, Rivers, LT ..... or a Manning, Harrison, James ........ What I'm saying is if we add up our entire QB corps plus our recieving corps, AND running back corps ...... do they even equal a Manning ...... or a Farve ....... or a Brees + Rivers ...... or a T.O. + Westbrook + McNabb.


It's been said the highest paid player on the team is Mike Williams (keeping away from the very valid argument of weather he deserves it or not) is his salary actually THAT HIGH that it's crippling our cap that bad?????



Thats an excellent point that you brought up. I'm sure that if Mike Williams takes a pay cut it would help out our team tremendouosly. Also, does anyone know if we still have to pay for anyone's salary that's not on our team?

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I do believe that Drew Bledsoe is off the payroll this next year, and that had to be a healthy sum this year (2005)! Essentially, with his contract no longer a hinderance, the Bills should have more room to bid in free agency in 2006. If you include the rstructuring/cutting of Mike Williams and the possible departures of Eric Moulds, along with Troy Vincent, the future might look a lot brighter by mid-April. I also think that the salary cap will increase with revenue windfalls.

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I hope clumping platelets gets the chance to jump in on this discussion, but my understanding of our cap situation is that the cap hits from cutting MW and EM will be gigantic, and cutting them may actually cost us more for the 2006 season. Unless both are willing to take pay cuts, we may be seriously screwed. Plus if TKO can't return back to his old form, we are even more screwed. Other potential pink slip victims (Vincent, Posey, Adams, Milloy, Villarial, etc...) won't have cap hits nearly as detrimental, but nevertheless they will have cap hits of some significance to add onto the problems of finding their replacements.


In a way, an uncapped NFL in 2007 and beyond could actually help us greatly regarding some of these contract situations. But then again, if Ralph is unwilling to shell out the $$$ for a legitimate head coach, I shudder to think of Ralph competing with all the uncapped big market owners (Snyder, Jerry Jones) for free agents :doh: .


Amazing, ain't it? In just 5 seasons, we've gone from cap jail to cap freedom and back again to cap jail without ever sniffing the playoffs. What a rollercoaster ride that was. Thank you, TD, you GM genius you :doh: . Hey but on the bright side, we can all save money on car insurance by switching to Geico.

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I hope clumping platelets gets the chance to jump in on this discussion, but my understanding of our cap situation is that the cap hits from cutting MW and EM will be gigantic, and cutting them may actually cost us more for the 2006 season.


Here's Clumpy's threads on the Zone:


Cutting MW at the right time saves $3.9M


Cutting EM at the right time saves $5.5M

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Here's Clumpy's threads on the Zone:


Cutting MW at the right time saves $3.9M


Cutting EM at the right time saves $5.5M



Cool. Thanks for the info, Rico.


So it's not as bad a situation as I feared. I'm sure we could find a better LG for less than $3.9 million, at least as good a #1 WR for less than $5.5 million, and still have some money left over to upgrade the OL and DL.

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Cool. Thanks for the info, Rico.


So it's not as bad a situation as I feared. I'm sure we could find a better LG for less than $3.9 million, at least as good a #1 WR for less than $5.5 million, and still have some money left over to upgrade the OL and DL.


That's provided TD does the right thing & cuts them both... no guarantee there. :doh:
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That's provided TD does the right thing & cuts them both... no guarantee there. :doh:




The focus here is on the "savings" when it should be on the dead money that will hit the cap for players no longer on the team.


For Mike Williams this is $7.8 million and $5.3 for Moulds according to Clumpy's numbers. That's about 15% of the entire salary cap and doesn't include what their repalcements will cost.




yeah-Teflon Tom got us out of cap hell and done a great job of managing the cap, but the playoff run of the last few years was worth it :doh:

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The focus here is on the "savings" when it should be on the dead money that will hit the cap for players no longer on the team.


For Mike Williams this is $7.8 million and $5.3 for Moulds according to Clumpy's numbers. That's about 15% of the entire salary cap and doesn't include what their repalcements will cost.

yeah-Teflon Tom got us out of cap hell and done a great job of managing the cap, but the playoff run of the last few years was worth it :doh:



excellent point.........it's not about the savings because their projected 2006 cap numbers are puffed up beyond belief.........it's about how much dead cap there is, and for both players it is significant.......we need both of these guys to play ball, but they have the majority of the leverage.........the problem is, looking at the mess of a team we have, why would they want to make salary concessions and stick around?? they saw what happened to pat williams......

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What would be interesting to see ....... and I'm too lazy to look for the info myself ... is a comparison of the 10 highest salaries for the Bills, and the 10 higest salaries for the Colts ......... I pick the Colts because THEY had cap room to sign Simon, when we didn't.


I still don't believe that MWs contract is as crippling as we are making it out to be............ too high for sure ........ but not as high as the people drafted ahead of him ....... nor as high as the top 5 or six draftees every year since he was drafted ....... nor as high as some of the "stupid money" paid to "marquee" free agents since MW became a Bill.

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excellent point.........it's not about the savings because their projected 2006 cap numbers are puffed up beyond belief.........it's about how much dead cap there is, and for both players it is significant.......we need both of these guys to play ball, but they have the majority of the leverage.........the problem is, looking at the mess of a team we have, why would they want to make salary concessions and stick around?? they saw what happened to pat williams......



Well, it is about the savings, in a way. What one must look at is with that savings, are you able to sign a more productive player. Now you may need to backload some contracts, and give some large bonuses to make them fit within the cap, but I am sure it can be done. Only problem is without the new CBA, number of years a bonus can be prorated has been shortened, and that can have a big effect on a team not only looking for quality FAs, but that will also be drafting fairly high.

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Good question. :D


IMO because of the upcoming mess wih MW and Moulds. ;)


IMO because of the huge contract we gave MW,and the relatively big contract we gave to old CV &  the relatively big extension we gave to TT. No more $$$ to spend on the OL. ;)


All that good work he's done for us but we can't put "TD must go" signs at the Ralph :doh:

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I know it's commonly stated that TD saved us from cap hell .... but it's also widely said we can't afford free agent (fill in the blank) ...... or we can't afford to resign (fill in the blank).


Looking at our roster it doesn't seem that we have a cadre of high paid players .... I mean we're not paying for a Brees, Rivers, LT ..... or a Manning, Harrison, James ........ What I'm saying is if we add up our entire QB corps plus our recieving corps, AND running back corps ...... do they even equal a Manning ...... or a Farve ....... or a Brees + Rivers ...... or a T.O. + Westbrook + McNabb.


It's been said the highest paid player on the team is Mike Williams (keeping away from the very valid argument of weather he deserves it or not) is his salary actually THAT HIGH that it's crippling our cap that bad?????



Nope. Donahoe has managed the cap relatively well. Not necessarily in terms of getting good players cheap, but by not spending a lot and not investing a lot in long term contracts


. This team does not have a lot of money committed long term and is positioned to add good players in free agency. Unfortunately, there aren't many available because the cap figure has increased greatly in recent years allowing teams to tie-up many would-be free agents long term.


The "can afford" term is greatly overused on this board. The Bills could AFFORD Peyton Manning if he were a free agent, they CHOSE not to re-sign Pat Williams and Jonas Jennings. It's important to differentiate. The Bills can afford to sign Clements and add LeCharles Bentley and some otther players. They may choose not to based on their plan to win without overspending. On paper it sounded good, unfortunately, the plan hasn't worked.

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