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Guest BackInDaDay
He's built some nice receipts for Ralph, in terms of club seats and season tickets.



That my friend is his job, first and foremost.


I don't mean to be cruel, but I fear the Buffalo franchise has the same life-expectancy of it's owner. The league may insist that a prospective owner keep the team in Buffalo for some period of time, but they may concede the privledge to move the franchise in the future. In the meantime... Donahoe is doing a good job for Ralph and his heirs.

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Good, optimistic post Coach. 


I agree about the 'rebuilding' mind-set, but unfortunately, the owner and his GM seem willing to undermine the development of younger players in a quest for one shot at a home play-off game.  They're more concerned with gate receipts than building a championship quality team.  Therefore, the team is in a constant state of re-inventing itself.  Rebuilding years? We have rebuilding weeks! 


It's no accident that TD hires young coaches that will surrender their football plans to the boss's financial targets.  But this doesn't go unnoticed in the locker room.  Our current HC may never recover from throwing players and coaches under the bus this year.  I'm sure TD will try to make things more comfortable for Mularkey by removing as many witnesses as he can, but no matter how hard he scrubs, Mike's hands will never come clean.


We can look forward to OBD creating a new buzz. 


TD will draft some off-the-wall-boy-I'm-a-genius pick. 

He'll sign more OGs to play OT and move more OTs to OG.

He'll announce a new alternative, throwback, glow-in-the-dark home jersey.

He'll take our minds off of the McGahee hold-out and the Williams release. 

He'll tell us to pay no mind to the man behind the curtain.


Ralph Wilson's never had the patience to build a solid football infra-structure.

His business dealings within the old AFL and NFL helped sustain and grow the pro game, but his priorities for the Bills don't coincide with ours.




Love this post.

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Guest BackInDaDay
Love this post.



It's only a matter of time before all Bills fans will have LOVE and HATE tatooed on our knuckles in red, white and blue. ;)

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Of course...HA!..Hey..Keith Byers said this morning that the Dolphins have as good as a chance to win the AFC East as does the Pats..



Who is Keith Byers....Why do I care what a former Fullback for a fish team

who was average at best says ?

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It's only a matter of time before all Bills fans will have LOVE and HATE tatooed on our knuckles in red, white and blue.    ;)



Your post rings true on several levels. The makeup of this team points to a complete lack of long term planning and going for the quick hit.


Now we are saddled with many 30 something vets ( and Mike Williams ) with big salaries and declining production.

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That my friend is his job, first and foremost. 


I don't mean to be cruel, but I fear the Buffalo franchise has the same life-expectancy of it's owner.  The league may insist that a prospective owner keep the team in Buffalo for some period of time, but they may concede the privledge to move the franchise in the future.  In the meantime... Donahoe is doing a good job for Ralph and his heirs.




My problem with this "moving to" somewhere is: WHERE...I don't think there

is any city today that is sitting on a pile of cash to build a profitable stadium

for an NFL franchise, other than LA.....and LA will see a football team before

the time of RWS and the bills get sold....I just don't see another LA or

Houston or Raleigh out there that can lure a NFL team to their backyard.....


The NFL has reached its saturation limit from the point of # of teams in its

league. I don't think the NFL is going to expand anytime soon nor is there a

traditional city sitting out there that can fill up a 70,000 stadium day in day

out (irrespctive of how the team does)....Folks....the Bills are not going anywhere

after RWS...

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Guest BackInDaDay
Your post rings true on several levels. The makeup of this team points to a complete lack of long term planning and going for the quick hit.


Now we are saddled with many 30 something vets ( and Mike Williams ) with big salaries and declining production.



I go back 40 years with this team. Young, idealistic fans can believe (as I once did) that the owner of their favorite team wants a championship as much as they do. But some of us have been in the real world long enough to know the meaning of 'business is business'. Allegiances, loyalties and quests for glory all fall prey to the reality of what's best for a business' bottom line.


I don't think Ralph is particularly cheap. He just never seems to draw up a discernable plan of action for his franchise.


He was smart enough to work with the AFL's founding fathers in creating the revenue sharing that was later adopted by the NFL when television money started pouring in. He was commited enough in keeping the old AFL alive to loan the Oakland franchise enough money to stay afloat.


He's smart and a class act but he just seems to have a 'happy to be here' mentality when it comes to the Bills.


If they win - he's happy.

If they lose - it's OK.

He may go down as one of the biggest fans of the game that ever lived, but his lack of a sense of urgency about his own club bewilders me.

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If they win - he's happy.

If they lose - it's OK.

He may go down as one of the biggest fans of the game that ever lived, but his lack of a sense of urgency about his own club bewilders me.



My first game in person was 1968. ;)


I thought the 4 SB trips would feed his hunger but maybe he just had the right guy (Polian) at that time and just went with the flow. Hard to believe he could be content with this current dreck.

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Guest BackInDaDay
My problem with this "moving to" somewhere is: WHERE...I don't think there

is any city today that is sitting on a pile of cash to build a profitable stadium

for an NFL franchise, other than LA.....and LA will see a football team before

the time of RWS and the bills get sold....I just don't see another LA or

Houston or Raleigh out there that can lure a NFL team to their backyard.....


The NFL has reached its saturation limit from the point of # of teams in its

league. I don't think the NFL is going to expand anytime soon nor is there a

traditional city sitting out there that can fill up a 70,000 stadium day in day

out (irrespctive of how the team does)....Folks....the Bills are not going anywhere

after RWS...



If you were a wealthy individual who could put together a consortium of investors willing to purchase a NFL franchise - would your first choice be an economically depressed area or an economically viable one? There are many areas of the country whose tax base and rate of economic growth could better support a team than Buffalo. If the State of NY can forgive 6 million dollar loans and match private funding so can other municipalities. As I said, the only thing that might keep new ownership in WNY is the NFL itself, but even that would be transient.


Remember, 46 years ago Ralph wanted to have the AFL's Miami franchise but the Orange Bowl wouldn't give him a lease. Never say never.

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Have to get this off my chest.  Although I fully understand (and often contribute to) the negativity around here, many of you are just being ridiculous.  I was at the game yesterday, and I have to say, I was not disappointed, nor should you be.




Can that be undersold?  Apparently, it can. 


I was so impressed from what I saw from JP yesterday that I am willing to put up with everything else that is wrong with this team for the rest of this year.  This guy is gonna be a player. 


For one thing, the kid has a serious arm.  He threw the 15-yard out with incredible velocity, making Delhomme's 15-yard out look like Flutie's. 


He was also incredibly, INCREDIBLY accurate for most of the day.  The Kid was throwing strikes to guys all over the field, on curls, and most importantly, in stride on the run.


What else?  TOUCH.  Did anyone else notice the feather-pass to Reed over the middle in the first half yesterday?  May not seem like a lot, but let me tell you, you almost never see that throw from a young QB.  It takes a lot of maturation and study to know that you have to put a light touch on that pass - my jaw dropped when I saw it. 


Also, JP's decision-making was superb, for the most part.  Obviously not on the last throw, and also on the throw to a well-covered Evans in the endzone when Reed was wide open at the first-down marker.  Other than those two throws, he made all the right reads, and he made them against a great defense, under constant pressure. 


In short, I can't believe how much The Kid has improved, and now I'm confident he's gonna be a serious player.  HE'S ALREADY BETTER THAN KYLE BOLLER.  He's no bust - at worst, he'll be an Aaron Brooks, because we don't yet know if he's a winner.  But, you can't overstate the importance of JP's overall development.


Now, onto this Board:


If OBD had told us, before this season, that this was gonna be a rebuilding year, which would be measured by the development of our young players - especially and specifically JP, wouldn't you have been content with yesterday's game?  The Kid battled a great D and remained poised, confident, and accurate - and almost pulled out a win.  Well, I have news for you:




You should swallow this pill, if you haven't already, and try to enjoy watching these young guys develop.  We have a new, young, promising RT.  Evans and Parrish are developing.  Crowell, Greer, Baker, McGee - developing.  Hell, I thought Tim Anderson had a great game yesterday - he was consistently putting pressure on Carolina's running game, way more disruptive than I've seen him in the past, against a good o-line.  The problems we have on both offense and defense are with old geezers who won't even be here in a year or two (Teague, Milloy, Adams, Vincent).  The fact is, this team has a young nucleus, and it's learning how to play.  They're not winning, but many of them, individually, are improving - this is obvious. 


If you bought into the OBD spin-machine and thought we were going to the playoffs this year - with this schedule, a young QB, and this o-line, you were kidding yourselves.  It ain't happening, never was.  But, if you accept that this is a rebuilding year, that WE HAVE A FRANCHISE QB, that our o-line can only improve next year, that we play the NFC NORTH next year, that the Jets need a QB, RB, o-line AND secondary, that the Dolphins need a new QB, that the Pats are in decline - you might just relax a bit and enjoy FOOTBALL. 


Life is short.


Go Bills.




Fuggin awesome post, bro....I don't even feel like reading the other responses, cause it's probably just a bunch of negative crap trying to take away from what ya wrote.....I didn't see the game, so to hear you say this is awesome. Several other people talked about how well he played too, and that gets me fired up. I did see JPs press conference clips both last week and this one, and you can tell the kid is a player. He's getting his groove on, talking with confidence, and learning to take his place as the leader of this team. I can't wait to see him mature the rest of the season and then get us into CarsonPalmer territory next year.

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Guest BackInDaDay
Fuggin awesome post, bro....I don't even feel like reading the other responses, cause it's probably just a bunch of negative crap trying to take away from what ya wrote.....I didn't see the game, so to hear you say this is awesome. Several other people talked about how well he played too, and that gets me fired up. I did see JPs press conference clips both last week and this one, and you can tell the kid is a player. He's getting his groove on, talking with confidence, and learning to take his place as the leader of this team. I can't wait to see him mature the rest of the season and then get us into CarsonPalmer territory next year.



There ya go, Mark IV. This is what we would have posted 40 years ago - if there was an internet. Or computers. Or digital anything! ;)


You're absolutely right, ajzepp. Much of what us old-timers have to say is critical. Not so much of the players, mind you, but of the front office. I love seeing JP, Evans and all the young players coming into their own. Hell, I've coached football to young men and there's no greater reward than teaching something you love to another. As young Bills fans, guys like Mark and me were drooling over the likes of Dennis Shaw, Marlin Brisco and Haven Moses when they came up.


For you young fans, 'wait til next year' is an innocent and a positive approach.

Here's hoping you guys don't have to live through 40 something 'next years'.

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For you young fans, 'wait til next year' is an innocent and a positive approach.

Here's hoping you guys don't have to live through 40 something 'next years'.



Amen to that - us youngsters who have been brought up in the short attention span, fast food, results now, get rich quick era would do well to remember this fine piece of advice... if we only could...

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There ya go, Mark IV.  This is what we would have posted 40 years ago - if there was an internet.  Or computers.  Or digital anything!  :lol:


You're absolutely right, ajzepp.  Much of what us old-timers have to say is critical.  Not so much of the players, mind you, but of the front office.  I love seeing JP, Evans and all the young players coming into their own.  Hell, I've coached football to young men and there's no greater reward than teaching something you love to another.  As young Bills fans, guys like Mark and me were drooling over the likes of Dennis Shaw, Marlin Brisco and Haven Moses when they came up.


For you young fans, 'wait til next year' is an innocent and a positive approach.

Here's hoping you guys don't have to live through 40 something 'next years'.



Was there no satisfaction with the AFL titles, or the 4 opportunities at a SuperBowl championship? Just wondering... I realize it's now been a while since our team was a real competitor so most of the critical talk is legitimized. I would just play a small devil's advocate here and give a friendly warning of an often familiar trend for "old-timer" fans who believe thet inevitably everything will fail. If I've seen it once I've seen it a million times. :lol: There seems to be a high correlation of this trend amongst local retired Blue collar factory type workers. Very disgruntled indeed ;)

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Have to get this off my chest.  Although I fully understand (and often contribute to) the negativity around here, many of you are just being ridiculous.  I was at the game yesterday, and I have to say, I was not disappointed, nor should you be.




Can that be undersold?  Apparently, it can. 


I was so impressed from what I saw from JP yesterday that I am willing to put up with everything else that is wrong with this team for the rest of this year.  This guy is gonna be a player. 


For one thing, the kid has a serious arm.  He threw the 15-yard out with incredible velocity, making Delhomme's 15-yard out look like Flutie's. 


He was also incredibly, INCREDIBLY accurate for most of the day.  The Kid was throwing strikes to guys all over the field, on curls, and most importantly, in stride on the run.


What else?  TOUCH.  Did anyone else notice the feather-pass to Reed over the middle in the first half yesterday?  May not seem like a lot, but let me tell you, you almost never see that throw from a young QB.  It takes a lot of maturation and study to know that you have to put a light touch on that pass - my jaw dropped when I saw it. 


Also, JP's decision-making was superb, for the most part.  Obviously not on the last throw, and also on the throw to a well-covered Evans in the endzone when Reed was wide open at the first-down marker.  Other than those two throws, he made all the right reads, and he made them against a great defense, under constant pressure. 


In short, I can't believe how much The Kid has improved, and now I'm confident he's gonna be a serious player.  HE'S ALREADY BETTER THAN KYLE BOLLER.  He's no bust - at worst, he'll be an Aaron Brooks, because we don't yet know if he's a winner.  But, you can't overstate the importance of JP's overall development.


Now, onto this Board:


If OBD had told us, before this season, that this was gonna be a rebuilding year, which would be measured by the development of our young players - especially and specifically JP, wouldn't you have been content with yesterday's game?  The Kid battled a great D and remained poised, confident, and accurate - and almost pulled out a win.  Well, I have news for you:




You should swallow this pill, if you haven't already, and try to enjoy watching these young guys develop.  We have a new, young, promising RT.  Evans and Parrish are developing.  Crowell, Greer, Baker, McGee - developing.  Hell, I thought Tim Anderson had a great game yesterday - he was consistently putting pressure on Carolina's running game, way more disruptive than I've seen him in the past, against a good o-line.  The problems we have on both offense and defense are with old geezers who won't even be here in a year or two (Teague, Milloy, Adams, Vincent).  The fact is, this team has a young nucleus, and it's learning how to play.  They're not winning, but many of them, individually, are improving - this is obvious. 


If you bought into the OBD spin-machine and thought we were going to the playoffs this year - with this schedule, a young QB, and this o-line, you were kidding yourselves.  It ain't happening, never was.  But, if you accept that this is a rebuilding year, that WE HAVE A FRANCHISE QB, that our o-line can only improve next year, that we play the NFC NORTH next year, that the Jets need a QB, RB, o-line AND secondary, that the Dolphins need a new QB, that the Pats are in decline - you might just relax a bit and enjoy FOOTBALL. 


Life is short.


Go Bills.



This is one of the best posts I've ever read here. After watching all the knuckleheaded QBs come and go since Jim Kelly retired and seeing this kid starting to gain confidence as a starter, I'm feeling more and more stoked about the JP Losman era. I seriously can't wait to watch the last five games of 2005.

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Have to get this off my chest.  Although I fully understand (and often contribute to) the negativity around here, many of you are just being ridiculous.  I was at the game yesterday, and I have to say, I was not disappointed, nor should you be.




Can that be undersold?  Apparently, it can. 


I was so impressed from what I saw from JP yesterday that I am willing to put up with everything else that is wrong with this team for the rest of this year.  This guy is gonna be a player. 


For one thing, the kid has a serious arm.  He threw the 15-yard out with incredible velocity, making Delhomme's 15-yard out look like Flutie's. 


He was also incredibly, INCREDIBLY accurate for most of the day.  The Kid was throwing strikes to guys all over the field, on curls, and most importantly, in stride on the run.


What else?  TOUCH.  Did anyone else notice the feather-pass to Reed over the middle in the first half yesterday?  May not seem like a lot, but let me tell you, you almost never see that throw from a young QB.  It takes a lot of maturation and study to know that you have to put a light touch on that pass - my jaw dropped when I saw it. 


Also, JP's decision-making was superb, for the most part.  Obviously not on the last throw, and also on the throw to a well-covered Evans in the endzone when Reed was wide open at the first-down marker.  Other than those two throws, he made all the right reads, and he made them against a great defense, under constant pressure. 


In short, I can't believe how much The Kid has improved, and now I'm confident he's gonna be a serious player.  HE'S ALREADY BETTER THAN KYLE BOLLER.  He's no bust - at worst, he'll be an Aaron Brooks, because we don't yet know if he's a winner.  But, you can't overstate the importance of JP's overall development.


Now, onto this Board:


If OBD had told us, before this season, that this was gonna be a rebuilding year, which would be measured by the development of our young players - especially and specifically JP, wouldn't you have been content with yesterday's game?  The Kid battled a great D and remained poised, confident, and accurate - and almost pulled out a win.  Well, I have news for you:




You should swallow this pill, if you haven't already, and try to enjoy watching these young guys develop.  We have a new, young, promising RT.  Evans and Parrish are developing.  Crowell, Greer, Baker, McGee - developing.  Hell, I thought Tim Anderson had a great game yesterday - he was consistently putting pressure on Carolina's running game, way more disruptive than I've seen him in the past, against a good o-line.  The problems we have on both offense and defense are with old geezers who won't even be here in a year or two (Teague, Milloy, Adams, Vincent).  The fact is, this team has a young nucleus, and it's learning how to play.  They're not winning, but many of them, individually, are improving - this is obvious. 


If you bought into the OBD spin-machine and thought we were going to the playoffs this year - with this schedule, a young QB, and this o-line, you were kidding yourselves.  It ain't happening, never was.  But, if you accept that this is a rebuilding year, that WE HAVE A FRANCHISE QB, that our o-line can only improve next year, that we play the NFC NORTH next year, that the Jets need a QB, RB, o-line AND secondary, that the Dolphins need a new QB, that the Pats are in decline - you might just relax a bit and enjoy FOOTBALL. 


Life is short.


Go Bills.




Only the idiots say the problem lies under center. If the line isn't rebuilt and made competent next year, this franchise is screwed for many more years to come.


Our sucktitude on offense was never because of the QB. Red zone remains a freakin huge problem and DB is no longer on the team.


I wonder what the real problems are. ;)



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Guest BackInDaDay
Was there no satisfaction with the AFL titles, or the 4 opportunities at a SuperBowl championship? Just wondering... I realize it's now been a while since our team was a real competitor so most of the critical talk is legitimized. I would just play a small devil's advocate here and give a friendly warning of an often familiar trend for "old-timer" fans who believe thet inevitably everything will fail. If I've seen it once I've seen it a million times.  :lol:  There seems to be a high correlation of this trend amongst local retired Blue collar factory type workers. Very disgruntled indeed  ;)



First off... there was great satisfaction in watching last year's team fight their way into a position to qualify for post-season play.


Secondly.. I'm white-collar, still employed and do not expect that everything will inevitably fail.


I do expect that Ralph Wilson will do what's best for Ralph Wilson.

If your expectations coincide with his, you're in good shape. For 40 years, mine haven't.

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