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I'll never shop at Walmart on Black Friday

Just Jack

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Oh, and damn it... "lack of security" is to blame?  How about your selfish bargain-hunting "me-first" attitude? I'm sure that had *nothing* to do with it. Reminds me of rush hour drivers.


:lol:  :lol:


Edit... ""Wal-Mart did not do enough to protect us," Dietstra said." I'm just not sure I know what to say about that gem.


The Walmart down the street from me has set up a roped off area outside the store for people to line up and has two cops there for security. I think we'll see alot more stores start taking more steps like this next year.

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The Walmart down the street from me has set up a roped off area outside the store for people to line up and has two cops there for security. I think we'll see alot more stores start taking more steps like this next year.



Isn't that just ridiculous? Retailers shouldn't have to spend the additional $$ needed to provide babysitters and an adult sized play-pen. You know damn well the only reason they're doing that is to avoid the inevitable lawsuit from the high-school dropout in the four-year-old sweat suit.


Stores shouldn't have to take steps like that.


The worst part? Most of these people are probably shopping for their children, which means they've already reproduced.




"The crowd of shoppers outside BrandsMart USA in Sawgrass Mills, angry at being forced to wait by security personnel, pushed their way under the security gate and down a hallway into the store, forcing dozens of people against the walls and trampling the woman."


If those security guards had tazers strapped to their belts, everyone would have been real fkin' polite.



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Isn't that just ridiculous? Retailers shouldn't have to spend the additional $$ needed to provide babysitters and an adult sized play-pen.  You know damn well the only reason they're doing that is to avoid the inevitable lawsuit from the high-school dropout in the four-year-old sweat suit.


Stores shouldn't have to take steps like that. 


The worst part? Most of these people are probably shopping for their children, which means they've already reproduced.




"The crowd of shoppers outside BrandsMart USA in Sawgrass Mills, angry at being forced to wait by security personnel, pushed their way under the security gate and down a hallway into the store, forcing dozens of people against the walls and trampling the woman."


If those security guards had tazers strapped to their belts, everyone would have been real fkin' polite.





I totally agree Jeff!


Just like cards and holidays... It is amazing how many people love to be commercialized and do these things.


Diamond ads always get me going. Did you see the latest puke they are putting on TV?

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I saw a video of people filing in to Target and Walmart:

Walmart: People running out trampling on people

Target: People are walking in one by one

Is it any wonder why I DO NOT go into Wal-Mart......what a bunch of white trash dirtbags......enough said!

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Isn't that just ridiculous? Retailers shouldn't have to spend the additional $$ needed to provide babysitters and an adult sized play-pen.  You know damn well the only reason they're doing that is to avoid the inevitable lawsuit from the high-school dropout in the four-year-old sweat suit.


Stores shouldn't have to take steps like that. 


The worst part? Most of these people are probably shopping for their children, which means they've already reproduced.




"The crowd of shoppers outside BrandsMart USA in Sawgrass Mills, angry at being forced to wait by security personnel, pushed their way under the security gate and down a hallway into the store, forcing dozens of people against the walls and trampling the woman."

If those security guards had tazers strapped to their belts, everyone would have been real fkin' polite.-Jeff


But a .45 would have prevented more unneeded births. :blink:

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But a .45 would have prevented more unneeded births.  :blink:



Nope, because it was simply store security. Even using the tazer would surely bring about a dozen lawsuits. I apologize if that was a bit harsh, but the sheer stupidity of my fellow man amazes me.

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Nope, because it was simply store security. Even using the tazer would surely bring about a dozen lawsuits.  I apologize if that was a bit harsh, but the sheer stupidity of my fellow man amazes me.



May amaze, but never surprises.

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I heard late Friday (can't find a link) that one crowd of customers outside a WalMart formed an orderly numbering system which took into account the order in which people arrived. A bit before opening they let the Wal Mart staff know that they had all agreed to the number order and tried to give the list to the employee to use when the store opened. The employees REFUSED and said everything is "first come first serve" and just opened the door, causing the patrons to walmart... I mean stampede.

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I heard late Friday (can't find a link) that one crowd of customers outside a WalMart formed an orderly numbering system which took into account the order in which people arrived. A bit before opening they let the Wal Mart staff know that they had all agreed to the number order and tried to give the list to the employee to use when the store opened. The employees REFUSED and said everything is "first come first serve" and just opened the door, causing the patrons to walmart... I mean stampede.



Wow... If this is true, could it be damaging if they can provide evidence?


Like others brought up early in the threads about "stadium seating" and the Who concert back in the late '70's... you would think standard plans for these types of arrangements would be rudimentary in any safety plan???


Though... Even if they could provide the evidence... I still would like to hear and see what it is before passing any judgement.


Right now, I still put the onus on the individual... Even more so hearing about this plan.


Am I to assume everything was orderly, they took names and numbers and then turned into a mad mob when they were told "first come, first serve" and the doors flew open? Hmmmm, something doesn't wash.


Then again, there is nothing you can do when the crowd is pushing.


That is where some responsibility falls on the security guard that opened the door. Did you see his actions in the video?... Pretty damning. There is now way that happens with me... I wouldn't open the doors if there wasn't order.


Might be a stretch... But, when I lock pleasure boats in the summer, sometimes we are dealing with 100's of boats... All kinds. Some going one way, others the other way... I have about 1000' x 110' to control. If one... Attempts to get within 80-100' (25 meters to be precise)... EVERYTHING STOPS... If one attempts to break a wake... EVERYTHING STOPS. My point is people don't like to wait and usually control and police themselves when some step out of line.


Just call me StalinInIllinois!... ;):lol::lol:

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That video was entertaining. I enjoyed watching people falling and getting stepped on and over.


I may go out next year just to see the mayhem. Perhaps I'll instigate or take part in the stampede.





Glad I get paid A LOT more than your standard Wal-Mart associate (okay, okay, maybe not that much more).


You come around here Mr. and try that mayhem and we will be spending some "Quality Time" together. :doh::doh:



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That video was entertaining. I enjoyed watching people falling and getting stepped on and over.


I may go out next year just to see the mayhem. Perhaps I'll instigate or take part in the stampede.




With all those fat ladies rushing the enterence, it's kinda like the American version of the running of the bulls!

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