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I'm trying to extract numbers from each line of text in the NFL play by play logs. To give you an example of what I'm trying to do here is a line from one of the logs.


1-10-SD25 (14:56) L.Tomlinson up the middle to SD 37 for 12 yards (L.Milloy, N.Clements)


When you copy the play logs to excel each play takes up one line, and it keeps going until the game is complete. What I'm trying to do is isolate the down, in this case 1, and the yardage result, in this case 12, into an excel cell so I can measure team success in certain situations. I can get the down isolated by using the text to columns function, but I can't find a way to get the yardage isolated.


The goal would look like this



Play Log from NFL.COM---------DOWN----------------------------------------Yardage


If I could get it in this format it would make extracting the data a million times easier.


Thanks in advance if anybody can help.

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