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Posted (edited)
The PETA nuts are at it again. They just released a 2 page flyer against fishing:


PETA propoganda


Be sure to read the bottom of the second page.


Another one from the WTF? department...


It's one thing to crusade against cruel treatment of animals for no reason. It's quite another to crusade against hunters and fishermen who are generally more in touch with nature, respectful and understanding of the animals they hunt than any of these PETA jokers could ever hope to be.


EDIT: And how about instead worrying about real concerns like land preservation, overfishing and overpopulation of invasive species? Naah, that'd make too much sense.

Edited by RuntheDamnBall
Another one from the WTF? department...


It's one thing to crusade against cruel treatment of animals for no reason.  It's quite another to crusade against hunters and fishermen who are generally more in touch with nature, respectful and understanding of the animals they hunt than any of these PETA jokers could ever hope to be.


EDIT: And how about instead worrying about real concerns like land preservation, overfishing and overpopulation of invasive species?  Naah, that'd make too much sense.



I'd feel better about your sentiment except that I went to Bass Pro recently and was truely astonished at what I saw. What's with all the sonar tracking equipment they sell nowadays? And the sonic shock stuff? That's not fishing for sport, its hunting for the satisfaction of killing. I realize this only represents a tiny minority of fishermen, but still, I found it pretty disturbing. In my day fishing meant a lazy afternoon with a pole and a six-pack of soda, not a cameo in The Terminator.


(I definately agree with your edit comment. Species survival is the real issue.)


PETA's world HQ is located in Norfolk, VA on the shores of the Elizabeth River. The local morning show comedians "Tommy and Rumble" on FM99 hold an annual fishing tournament right outside :doh:


The PETA building has this big bunny looking statue on top of it. If I had the money, I'd buy up some land in downtown Norfolk and build a statue of a hunter in orange cammies pointing a shotgun :w00t:

PETA's world HQ is located in Norfolk, VA on the shores of the Elizabeth River.  The local morning show comedians "Tommy and Rumble" on FM99 hold an annual fishing tournament right outside :doh:


The PETA building has this big bunny looking statue on top of it.  If I had the money, I'd buy up some land in downtown Norfolk and build a statue of a hunter in orange cammies pointing a shotgun :w00t:



Well, I'm not part of the traditional animal left - in fact, the local shelter folks think I'm the antichrist because I refuse to keep my pets indoors - but I simply don't get the hunters. What's the point with the ridiculous mismatch in weaponry? Some fat tub of lard in a tree-top recliner and an orange jacket is impressed with himself because he can buy a can of deer-attract, wipe it on a ground below him, and spray the animals with a semi-automatic?


I'll have respect for hunters when they stop pushing for the star-wars weaponry and start pushing to legalize consentual man-against-man hunting. Or at a minimum, hunt animals bare-handed. That is sport, and it's really, really hard, too. If the sterotypical modern hunter had his way he'd show up at the Running of the Bulls in full body armor and an H2 Hummer....

Well,  I'm not part of the traditional animal left - in fact,  the local shelter folks think I'm the antichrist because I refuse to keep my pets indoors - but I simply don't get the hunters.  What's the point with the ridiculous mismatch in weaponry?  Some fat tub of lard in a tree-top recliner and an orange jacket is impressed with himself because he can buy a can of deer-attract,  wipe it on a ground below him,  and spray the animals with a semi-automatic?


I'll have respect for hunters when they stop pushing for the star-wars weaponry and start pushing to legalize consentual man-against-man hunting.  Or at a minimum,  hunt animals bare-handed.  That is sport,  and it's really, really hard, too.  If the sterotypical modern hunter had his way he'd show up at the Running of the Bulls in full body armor and an H2 Hummer....


Stop reading the papers. Seriously.


As a trout fisherman, I could say some nasty things about the folks out there trying to snag one. But then again, we didn't spend 100's of years rising to the top of the food chain to eat tofu...

As a trout fisherman, I could say some nasty things about the folks out there trying to snag one.  But then again, we didn't spend 100's of years rising to the top of the food chain to eat tofu...


Damn those bastards who would kill an innocent tofu....

Fishing or trawling?





I'm more of a finesse kind of guy.


Then again, there's a lot to be said for throwing hand grenades into the pond.



The PETA nuts are at it again. They just released a 2 page flyer against fishing:


PETA propoganda


Be sure to read the bottom of the second page.




Just curious....why is "Daddy" wearing a suit, tie, and cuff links to go fishing?

Just curious....why is "Daddy" wearing a suit, tie, and cuff links to go fishing?



Let me take a crack at it.


It is subliminal KD. :huh::D


You weren't supposed to notice it. Your "Daddy" is also "The Man"... By representing him as "a suit."




Again, paint me as a "whacked out liberal" but, this sh*t (PETA) is just flat out lunacy.


Oh... That also brings me to the WKRP show... Remember when Herb was trying to convince Les what side he was on.


Herb: The whole world is in revolution, and not just here, but everywhere. And you know who's at war?

Les: No.

Herb: It's the dungarees versus the suits, Les. The whole world is in two armed camps - over here, we have the dungarees, and over here the suits. Remember the riots from the sixties? It was the dungarees versus the suits. And then Watergate. Those guys arrested were wearing dungarees, and who suffered for it?

Les: The suits!

Herb: Exactly!

Les: But there were issues, Herb.

Herb: The issues, issues, were a smokescreen. Now listen. When a son disobeys his father, what's he wearing?

Les: The son? Uh... dungarees!

Herb: And what's the father got on?

Les: Probably a suit!

Herb: D'ya see what I mean, Les?

Les: Yeah!

Herb: And do you know what's worse?

Les: What?

Herb: The fathers are beginning to wear dungarees too!

Les: That's right!

Herb: And so are the mothers!

Les: It's just like "The Bodysnatchers"!


Les: Herb, do you know who I think is behind all this?

Herb: Who?

Les: Levi Strauss!

Herb: Could be.



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