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What's dumber than driving drunk?


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It is.  Even I had to read some of the phrases twice.  I've been gone too long.




...and you pick that stuff up fast. I spent a couple months out in Melbourne a few years back. Two weeks into it I was parking in the "car park" when we went to "tea."


The first day I was there I was helping a friend of mine feed horses. I looked down the ranch a bit and saw about 30 'roos hopping around. It took a few minutes to register. Those damn things spooked the horse I was on about two weeks later and I took a nice tumble.


But... the one thing I miss the most... Dim Sims. I haven't had one of those damn things since I got back. I lived on those unhealthy fried chunks of love. I haven't found them stateside at all.


Ok. Hijack complete. Back to your regularly scheduled topic.



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Old story....


I was in a training program right after college. A class of 15 of us all stayed in a hotel three weeks at a time. Weekends were something else.


One night we were all out pretty late and 13 of us went back to the hotel.


About 2 hours later the other two idiots had a run in with police. There was no driving involved, everything was walking distance, but there was some kind of verbal altercation. They ended up running from the police.


One guy got away, the other one got caught. The guy that got away realized his buddy got caught after he failed to show up back at the hotel room.


What does he do? He gets in a suit....plastered. He goes to the police station.....plastered. He tells the police that he is the lawyer representing the recently caught drunk and he needs to be released.


Somehow they didn't arrest him, but they didn't release the other guy.

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I used to drive drunk a lot when i was younger, i am so thankful i never got caught or hurt anyone :) I find driving while being under the influence of beer i feel fine but when the vodka got into my system i was really aggressive... thankfully i have much more sence now.

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