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Bombing is over! Come out of your shelters


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I think this team just found out how good they really are. Im sorry but I dont want to see this team in the playoffs. I dont think I could stand it! We looked bad on all sides of the ball today



5 years of taking steps back.


I dont believe this front office wants to win. Ole Ralph spent a ton on money on this team in the early 90's. Im starting to think he just wants to cash in now.. Hope Im wrong.



I just cant see how in the heck we come out one week with all guns loaded and just die 7 days later!

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Hey Navy, to you have any room on your F-16s for Reed and Posey?

Commercial jets are too slow to get them out of WNY?




Oh man, Reed is just crap.


Posey? That guy always comes to play. I dont know what his deal is. Or that D's deal.



This is the best D ever? Right?

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I think this team just found out how good they really are.  Im sorry but I dont want to see this team in the playoffs.  I dont think I could stand it!  We looked bad on all sides of the ball today

5 years of taking steps back. 


I dont believe this front office wants to win.  Ole Ralph spent a ton on money on this team in the early 90's.  Im starting to think he just wants to cash in now..  Hope Im wrong.

I just cant see how in the heck we come out one week with all guns loaded and just die 7 days later!


You have to be REAL tough to be a Bills fan. Anybody need a beer?

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