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Report From San Diego


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On a crystal clear morning with Santa Ana breezes heating the canyons above Qualcomm Stadium, most expectations begin with the 75 degree temperatures being forecast for Sunday’s kickoff. While I'm not a meteorologist I'd say the 80 degree day right now at 9:30 a.m. suggests it'll be a bit warmer than 75 for the game. Residents here are their typical self-absorbed selves, most heading to the bike shop for a little tune-up on their beach cruiser or already in the water off Ocean Beach Pier waiting for the next perfect set of waves. San Diego is America’s city of short attention spans, and for good reason. Nothing changes too quickly; from the weather to the seasons to the daily mores of its inhabitants- many consider this the most desirable city in the country to call home.


On the football field Sunday the level of anticipation will hit the other extreme- with the Chargers in contention in the AFC West the Charger players amped up- helped along by one Willis McGahee of the Buffalo Bills. Mr. McGahee was kind enough this week to revisit a strategy that has been a dismal failure for the Bills this year. From our linebackers’ proclamation of our defense being “one of the best of all-time” following the beating of the league whimp Houston Texans to Willis McGahee’s October claim to being the best RB in football (followed of course by three straight scoreless games), grandiose media statements have proven especially counter-productive for the Buffalo Bills this season.


Not surprisingly today’s San Diego Union Tribune features the storyline of the Buffalo News quote this week by Willis that he remains “the best running back” while LaDanian Tomlinson is a “good back”. Tomlinson, asked if he had any thoughts about McGahee’s comments simply said “Nope”. Between LaDanian’s 3 Pro Bowls and his team’s more realistic chances of making a playoff run, there might be a lesson in all this for our own running back- winners prove it on the field, not in the papers.


Marty Schottenheimer has graciously allowed his Offensive Coordinator an opportunity to speak to the media this week- for the first time this season. Seems Marty is his old fun-loving self after all these years. Much of the fan talk here is of the underused Mr. Tomlinson, and there’s probably a message in that Marty would approve Cam Cameron’s “coming out” party in the press to answer questions on just that subject. If there were a prop bet in Vegas on LT’s carries Sunday I’d definitely take the over, but then having watched our run defense and especially Jeff Posey’s pathetic play last weekend against the Chiefs I’d have played that the same way without the apparent confirmation from Marty and Co.


Jordanian Feast: Aaron Schobel will face his second Jordan and second reserve OT in consecutive games- after blowing up Jordan Black in Kansas City for 2 sacks and a handful of pressures he’ll face Leander Jordan in San Diego due to Roman Oben and his Super Bowl ring sitting out the game due to a foot injury. Like last week’s Jordan, this one has been “generous” in his spot duty so far this season, allowing opponents 3 sacks so far. He’s a much bigger load than Jordan Black, but his immobility could spell a second big weekend in a row for Aaron Schobel, a guy beginning to feel his oats and using more of the moves Tim Krumrie has been teaching him. We should expect to see Mr. Schobel among the top 5 sack artists in the league after Sunday’s game.

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Let everyone know where you're hangin on Saturday night...I arrive tomorrow around noon and I'll be ready to have some fun.



Give me a call on my cell at (310) 963-7640 when you set down. I'll brief you on the STDs from the TJ run :-O

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Let everyone know where you're hangin on Saturday night...I arrive tomorrow around noon and I'll be ready to have some fun.




The show starts at Blind Melons at 3 PM Saturday - a pub crawl in the neighborhood and then - (if you have a ticket) a night at the "Melons" - closed party.


If not there are plenty of bars in walking distance or get over to the Gaslamp and do the "ritzy" night club act.


I saw the tailgate site - parking area J2 - virtually under the elevated San Diego subway stop. If you're driving - get there early - the lots will be full (or hard to get around - people park funny in SD) by 10 AM.


The tailgate site is also spitting distance to the "Bud Zone" where they have food and amusements plus large screen TV's showing the early games.


If you don't have a SDBBC tailgate ticket - forget getting in - sold out. Fortunately there are lots of options and you can buy libation on Sunday AM in Calif.


The word of the day for Sunday is "SUNSHINE" - lots of it. There is no shade in the parking lots - hats, loose (covering) clothing, sunscreen and hydration are the order of the day. AM tempertures will go from 60 - 80 degrees.


Look forward to seeing any and all - the "Hardhat" will be up high !


Location of Blind Melons (858-483-7844) - 710 Garnet Ave. Garnet/Grand Ave has its' own exit off the I-5 - head west towards the ocean (all the way). There is limted street parking with a 2 hr. limit and the cops mean it! They chalk tires all day. There are several pay lots within two blocks - 5-6 bucks for all day - beats a parking ticket.



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The local paper gave Sam Wyche more coverage than any of the Chargers this morning, and local news coverage is pretty tame compared to what is expected in sports oriented cities. In fact, one morning show put up a graphic of the game and mentioned going to break "The Chargers host the Bills on Sunday", only to skip any further mention in the broadcast.


There are unconfirmed rumors of one of the single guys from Buffalo was married before leaving Tijuana last night, we'll get more info today from others in his party. The "dance" club where he met the little lady was appropriately named "Amnesia". UDonkey's girlfriend held up remarkably well in some difficult conditions referred to south of the border as "Tequila showers". Only ran into two certified nutcases the whole trip down and back, an "intimate" but entertaining outing indeed.


Another beautiful morning, althought slightly cooler than yesterday. Moving towards that sunny and 75 mark for the game Sunday.

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