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What a cheap b!tch!!!!


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Reply to: rachel_holmes@o2.pl



My name is Rachel Elle Holmes Female,from Poland but based in Canada.I am presently ndergoing a surgery operation in London United Kingdom.I need about $8,000 to keep me alive.Before my illness,I was a business woman in Canada.I deal on gold watches and necklaces.

I have a customer in Canada who is owing me the sum of $9,000 and sequence to our last discussion ,he is ready to pay back the money but he informed me that he will pay the money by a certified check only,but it takes two to three weeks to cash a foreign check here in London it might be late then,further explanation to have the funds transferred to my doctors bank account proved abortive.

I am contacting you to know if you would allow him issue the check in your name since you are based in America and upon clarification of the check, I will send you the doctors details to in turn transfer to pay my hospital bills.


Sincerely, this is a message from an honest and God fearing person on her sick bed, please note that you are not going to face any risk in rendering this assistance,or spend any money.

If you are interested in seeing my identity I will provide it in my next email What I need from is sincerity and just be honest with me. Moreover,I will send you the contact details of the customer in Canada once you have accepted my offer.I will offer you the balance $1000 for your kind gesture,please accept my little offer and get back to me as soon as possible. Have a nice day !



Miss Rachel Holmes.

For immediate response,

Contact me on my personal email

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Sincerely, this is a message from an honest and God fearing person on her sick bed, please note that you are not going to face any risk in rendering this  assistance,or spend any money.



Since there's no risk, I don't see how you could possibly pass this up. <_<


Actually, you could probably have some fun with it. Or foward it to that ebola monkey guy.

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Sincerely, this is a message from an honest and God fearing person on her sick bed,

I felt bad for her, and was thinking about helping myself, but since she's only on her sick bed, not her death bed, I think I'll pass. <_<



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My name is Rachel Elle Holmes Female,from  Poland but based in  Canada.I am presently ndergoing a surgery operation in London United Kingdom.I need about $8,000 to keep me alive.Before my illness,I was a business woman in Canada.I deal on gold watches and necklaces.




I always assumed people made some nice money dealing in gold watches and necklaces. But apparently she doesn't even have $9000 in her bank to cover life saving surgery?

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Reply to:  rachel_holmes@o2.pl



My name is Rachel Elle Holmes Female,from  Poland but based in  Canada.I am presently ndergoing a surgery operation in London United Kingdom.I need about $8,000 to keep me alive.Before my illness,I was a business woman in Canada.I deal on gold watches and necklaces.

  I have a customer in Canada who is owing me the sum of $9,000 and  sequence to our last discussion ,he is ready to pay back the money but he informed me that he will pay the money by a certified check only,but it takes two to three weeks to cash a foreign check here in London it might be late then,further explanation to have the funds transferred to my doctors bank account proved abortive.

  I am contacting you to know if you would allow him issue the check in your name since you are based in America  and upon clarification of the check, I will send you the doctors details to in turn transfer to pay my hospital bills.


Sincerely, this is a message from an honest and God fearing person on her sick bed, please note that you are not going to face any risk in rendering this  assistance,or spend any money.

    If  you are interested in seeing my identity I will provide it in my next email What I need from is sincerity and just be honest with me. Moreover,I will send you the contact details of the customer in Canada once you have accepted my offer.I will offer you the balance $1000 for your kind gesture,please accept my little offer and get back to me as soon as possible. Have a nice day !



Miss Rachel Holmes.

For immediate response,

Contact me on my personal email





Mine is for $28M, and its from royalty!!!! Just recieved today



appreciation of your esteemed contact received through a reliable

source and the choice of your country I wish to introduce myself, I am

Emmanuel Kishali Kabila the son of the late DRC President Laurent

Desire Kabila of the blessed memory. I know this letter might come to

you as a surprise but I honestly do not intend to surprise you. I write

this letter in respect of my intention to invest the sum of US$28M

(Twenty- Eight Million United State Dollars) with you. I inherited this

money from my mother. This money was got through the smuggling and

sales of Diamond and Timber when my father was the head of state. My

mother though not her legal wife used her privilege position to engage

in the business of Diamond and Timber since she knows that her survival

will depend on how much she can get out of the privilege situation.

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I get 10 of these things a day... just from this morning:








appreciation of your esteemed contact received through a reliable

source and the choice of your country I wish to introduce myself, I am

Emmanuel Kishali Kabila the son of the late DRC President Laurent

Desire Kabila of the blessed memory. I know this letter might come to

you as a surprise but I honestly do not intend to surprise you. I write

this letter in respect of my intention to invest the sum of US$28M

(Twenty- Eight Million United State Dollars) with you. I inherited this

money from my mother. This money was got through the smuggling and

sales of Diamond and Timber when my father was the head of state. My

mother though not her legal wife used her privilege position to engage

in the business of Diamond and Timber since she knows that her survival

will depend on how much she can get out of the privilege situation.


When my father was assassinated on 16TH Jan. 01 by one of his

bodyguards Lt.Rashidi Kasereke through the conspiracy of some top army

officers that wanted to topple him I escaped to SA because of the fear

that I might be arrested by my half brother Lt. General Joseph Kabila

the present head of state. Actually his mother and my mother are not in

the best of relationship because of who among them will be the first

lady tussle and this ultimately affected us their children.


Considering the relationship between SA and my country's new

government, my mother advised me to leave For SA for security reason,

while the funds were deposited with a security Company abroad. On

getting to there where I have been living since then as a political

refugee I am seeking for a reliable foreigner who can assist me in

moving this money out for safe banking and profitable investment.


Honestly I contacted you because I don't want to invest this money in

here due to my status here as a political Refugee. And moreover I

wouldn't want to take risk because this money is all that I and my

Mother is depending on because My half brother has seized all my

father's assets and money and left I and my mother empty handed without

knowing about this funds deposited at the Security Company in abroad so

that is why I decided that investing this money abroad should be the

best investment for me. I will be honored if I can be given the

privilege of investing this money with your help.


In view of this

plight, I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to

this distress call to save my mother and I from a hopeless future. And

if you agree, I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid

effort in this regard with 20% of the total money and annual 5% of the

after tax returns on investment for the first three years. Thereafter,

the term shall be varied. 5% for expenses, which may arise during the

transaction (fax and phone bills inclusive). when the money is moved

into your discrete account, you will be allowed to draw 20% in your

favor, while the remaining 75% will be invested meaningfully for our

future if possible in your area of business and deterrents sectors of

the Economy in your country which are dividends yielding.



your decision is please reach me immediately through my Email, and keep

this letter tight secret for the interest of my family.


Best Regards,


Emmanuel Kishali Kabila (for the family)




orsefield Oil & Gas Industries introduces the positions of

representatives, responsible for the collection of payments from customers and other financial means.This is a perfect opportunity for you to earn more!


We market crude oil,natural gas,lubricants and other products into Canada/America,Europe and some parts of Asia.


We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting our funds from our customers in Canada/America/Europe as well as making payments through these representatives to us.


If this proposal is acceptable to you,forward the following personal information of yours to us on: contact_horsefield@mac.com







Or contact us for more information.So that an emuneration can be worked out for your services as our representative in Canada/America/Europe as your location shall determine. Compensations and other benefits will be given.


We anticipate your earliest response in this regard.


Your email has been forwarded by www.monster.co.uk at our request, because you or someone else have subscribed for the delivery of a part time job offers in the internet.


If you are not interested,please kindly delete this message.



Thanks in Advance,

Horsefield Industries

Tel: +44-703-194-6838 (8am - 4p:m)





The first one came in at 1:28 AM, the second one at 5:22 AM.

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Reply to:  rachel_holmes@o2.pl



Miss Rachel Holmes.

For immediate response,

Contact me on my personal email


Careful on this one Cap'n. Could be one of those internet fraud things. Rachel Holmes doesn't sound like a Polish name to me. She could be trying to hoodwink you. Send her half now and half after she provides a personal photo.

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Careful on this one Cap'n.  Could be one of those internet fraud things.  Rachel Holmes doesn't sound like a Polish name to me.  She could be trying to hoodwink you.  Send her half now and half after she provides a personal photo.





perhaps its her?


But if you are the managing editor of amazon.co.uk, you'd think you could afford some decnt health insurance...

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