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The "U"

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It's hard to believe this is even news.


Don't expect me to defend this, but:


1. Football players have their own dorm and dont live in Mahoney- Pearson.

2. I heard the song and good luck identifying specific voices (i.e. ball players)

3. It's two years old.


It is vile and disgusting however.

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I have the song on my computer and don't see the big deal.  When I was 18-21, all I cared about was drinking beer and getting laid.  Why expect anything less from them.



Did you listen to the song?

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I haven't heard the song so I can't really comment on it, but the school should start looking into the rumor that the players get a free mink coat along with their play books in August (who needs a mink coat in Miami?)



Is that where Michael Irvin got his?

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I just listened to it.


The most offensive lyric was when Ray Lewis rapped "I killed a man and they let me walk!"


The least offensive lyric was when Vinny Testaverde cameoed with "the only tag team known by me is when I get hit by a defensive end and tackle at the same time and crumble to the ground in agony"


The funniest was when Kellen Winslow just sat in the back making motorcycle noises ("URRRR, URRRR, URRRR, I'M A SOLJA, URRRRR, URRRR, URRRR, I'M A SOLJA")

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It's actually more musical than most of the "mud" that's out there. I was going to rip on the Miami boys here, but now I'm singing it. Funny!



I agree with you. For someone who does not like too much rap, I thought that the melody was actually pretty good for rap.

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Haven't listed to the song yet..I will later. But THIS cracked me up:


"Miami's carefully cultivated image as a school well-past the days that earned it the reputation as a program lacking institutional control"


Man that image is so carefully crafted it went right by me...maybe it's a "stealth" image. In my mind, Miami is the same thug factory it's always been. It's a football factory that doesn't even ATTEMPT to pretend it's a school (think Ohio State...hi AiO!). And it's, by far, worse than the other Florida football factories FSU and Fla.


IT's to the point when I see an athelete has gone over the "ME" edge...I just figure he's from Miami.

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I agree with you.  For someone who does not like too much rap, I thought that the melody was actually pretty good for rap.


What a waste of time for ESPN to go after UM on this and calling it "Demeaning"??? What rap song isn't offensive? Way to go ESPN on the scoop of a non-story!



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