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How different R blocking schemes/styles 4 dif QBs?

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Some fans are complaining (whining actually IMHO) about MM being surreptitious about who is going to start at QB for us on Sunday. Some folks argue either:


1. It makes no difference because it is obvious JP will start, or

2. It makes no difference because as a DL player simply line up and play regardless of who is QB, or

3. I'm a fan and I have a right to know (so there).


I think these are most other reasons are actually short-sighted and really selfish in some cases.


My sense is that a lot of the key to this question is one of whether there are significant different blocking schemes and styles for JP vs. Kelly Holcomb. If there are, then I think that too the degree that the opposing D (players maybe and coaches definitiely) have to spend time preparing for both QBs, if prep work is different if there is a real possibility that either may play it complicates prep alot and adds to the opponents work.


Personally, I feel it is quite unlikely that Holcomn will start on Sunday. However, the main reason i make this judgment is not based on the quality of JPs play or even a sense that even if he is bad he must play to get better. I actually think we are more likely to start JP because concussions are such an odd injury and are getting heightened concern, scrutiny and action by NFL teams,


If Holcomb were Vick and the drop-off to his #2 is significant then I would expect my #1 Vick to start unless he is really hurt alot. However, given JPs good play last week and Holcomb's ineffective play against NE and intially against KC, given that Holcomb was still having some woozinness on Monday, my sense is he sits.


However, no one off the team really knows his condition and MM has shown that he is fine shifting his QBs around as starter. I can see a player making a decision only to review his opposing blockers work with JP starting. However, the smart coach is going to prepare for both knowing that if KH can play even if he does not start he likely will see some time on Sunday. In fact, if my D is successful as I plan on it being I defitinitely will be seeing a bit of KH on Sunday (assuming he is healthy) because MM will need the spark.


The key to how much of a pain this is will be how different the rushing schemes and style of play will be with a different QB.


I have not compared the two and how thier OL plays to each other, but if someone has the time or the memory it should provide useful info.


My sense is that the greater mobility of JP and the faster release of Holcomb (as JP learns to make reads and because JP will run for his life and throw on the run more than KH, the blockers probably block differently for each QB knowing they will have to hold their blocks longer with JP and that they will have to be aware he moves around alot.


If in fact the Bills OL blocks differently for these two QBs, then likely it not only will add to the opposing coach workload but also that of opposing players who watch a lot of tape to prepare.


It makes sense to me that MM will wait as long as he can to tip off our opponents. As one who envourages him to lie to me if fooling me also fools the enemy, I have no problem with this.

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Football is blocking and tackling. Worrying about this or that to the nth degree is foolish.



From overanalyzing your favorite team to putting together a fantasy league based on this fantasy entertainment much of NFL rooting is foolish so when i use the phrase it is certainly no indictment, just a statement about the foolishness we all love.


Certainly one of my complaints about the game is that it is too complicated in its current form as coaches seem to rule. However, these complication are a reality in our NFL fantasy so I think this foolishness of blocking schemes and styles makes a real difference in peformance.

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