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Question of the Day


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Why was last years 4th and 1 fake sneak a brilliant play, and this years fake sneak stupid? If it would have worked, people would have said it was another great call. Since it didn't, it was a stupid call. Had they run it and got stuffed, you'd have people complaining that they are too predictable.

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Why was last years 4th and 1 fake sneak a brilliant play, and this years fake sneak stupid?  If it would have worked, people would have said it was another great call.  Since it didn't, it was a stupid call.  Had they run it and got stuffed, you'd have people complaining that they are too predictable.



Going for it on 4th and one from around the 50 in a close game, in the first half, is the embodiement of stupidity. The Bills won because beyond reason, Vermiel et al decided to out-stupid Mularkey et al. Quite an accomplishment.

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Why was last years 4th and 1 fake sneak a brilliant play, and this years fake sneak stupid?  If it would have worked, people would have said it was another great call.  Since it didn't, it was a stupid call.  Had they run it and got stuffed, you'd have people complaining that they are too predictable.


Last year's 4th & 1 fake was as stupid a call as this year's. The only difference was it worked last year. Has anyone noticed that 2 coaches who have Super Bowl rings gave it to their RBs when they went to win the game (they would have lost if the play didn't work, so both times it was do or die) the last 2 weeks? There should only be 2 options with 4th and a foot or so-give it to your top RB or have the QB sneak it over. Anything else is lunacy.


Edit: PS: The goal is to impose your will on the other team. Nothing demoralizes the other team faster than you succeeding on a "predictable" play. If Willis can't get a yard on fourth & inches, we either need a new RB or a new OL-I think we'd all know the answer to that one.

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Probably because we were winning when we did it last year if I'm not mistaken; not like last week when we were struggling and giving the other team a chance to blow the game open.


We have a winner. 24-3 in the fourth quarter of that Seattle game, to be exact.


And as I saw Holcomb start toward the line on that play Sunday, I was already thinking "no - they're NOT calling THAT, are they?"

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Remember, you just posted that to a message board clamoring for Moorman to run fake punts and gadget plays.


Hey now, Moorman is pretty fast.... it could work.



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Last year's 4th & 1 fake was as stupid a call as this year's.  The only difference was it worked last year.  Has anyone noticed that 2 coaches who have Super Bowl rings gave it to their RBs when they went to win the game (they would have lost if the play didn't work, so both times it was do or die) the last 2 weeks? There should only be 2 options with 4th and a foot or so-give it to your top RB or have the QB sneak it over.  Anything else is lunacy.


Edit: PS: The goal is to impose your will on the other team.  Nothing demoralizes the other team faster than you succeeding on a "predictable" play.  If Willis can't get a yard on fourth & inches, we either need a new RB or a new OL-I think we'd all know the answer to that one.



This is the winner. Dumb then, dumb now. Always go for the first down on 4th and short by running the ball. It should be chisled in stone.


What is it that Sullivan said, if a lightbulb needed to be changed Mularkey and Co would try to outsmart electricity...

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Last year's 4th & 1 fake was as stupid a call as this year's.  The only difference was it worked last year.  Has anyone noticed that 2 coaches who have Super Bowl rings gave it to their RBs when they went to win the game (they would have lost if the play didn't work, so both times it was do or die) the last 2 weeks? There should only be 2 options with 4th and a foot or so-give it to your top RB or have the QB sneak it over.  Anything else is lunacy.


Edit: PS: The goal is to impose your will on the other team.  Nothing demoralizes the other team faster than you succeeding on a "predictable" play.  If Willis can't get a yard on fourth & inches, we either need a new RB or a new OL-I think we'd all know the answer to that one.



I can respect this answer. It's all the people who look at things in hindsight and then pass judgement that bother me.

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