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Okay PPP people, question on Driver liscences

Just Jack

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When I worked at a high school, they did a photocopy of my license. That seemed to be more for the purpose of thoroughly checking out who they hire, which I would be leery if they didn't do in such an environment.


Don't know why a fuggin hotel would take it. Tho in Europe I believe they keep copies of your passport or something, so Interpol knows exactly who's staying where. Or maybe that was from one of those spy movies... I don't remember. This being America, if that was one of their requirements for staying, on principle I'd just leave. People are standing up for our privacy rights less and less as we all become bleeting sheep to the new security age.

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Once I figured out what words to use searching Google, I came up with a lot of info. Basically, they can ask to see ID if they suspect fraud, or if the back of the card is not signed, but they cannot make a copy, or write down any ID info, and can not refuse the sale if I refuse to show my ID.

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I'm actually surprised that hotels do not have a mandatory ID check for patrons. I'd like my hotel to know  if there are 19 Yemen nationals on the OFAC list taking up a bevy of first-floor suites.


The hotel staff is all foreigners. We made the desk clerk give us a copy of his license since they wanted ours.

I don't mind them asking to see it to make sure the name matches the CC, but making a copy is too far.

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See my other thread for some background info....


My Super 8 experience


Can they take a copy of my liscence? Shouldn't verifying the name on the liscence and CC be enough?


Its not illegal. If you let them do it, they can do it, if you don't, they can refuse you a room if that is their policy. NY does have a law regarding public accomodations but it addresses discrimation such as refusing to serve a meal to a person in a restaurant based on race or religion. I doubt there is anything in it that could be stretched to cover this.

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Last year I was at a conference and one of my colleagues was going to join us. He was flying into Houston and checking in very late. The next day I tried to reach him in his room and was told he'd checked out! Very strange. But then I received a call from him that he had had to move to another hotel - however he'd never checked into the hotel we were at because there were no rooms.


It tooks us awhile, working with the front desk, to detemrine that a guy with the same name (supposedly) had checked in using Rob's reservation AND the room had been charged to the card on file, which was Rob's! There were NOT two reservations under the same name, only one. It left us all stumped.


It would in this case have been nice to have had the photo ID on this guy's license to know who he really was.

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