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Now EVERYBODY Should Be Happy

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Well I don't think that you could have dreamt a better scenario for this Bills game. Buffalo came out with a victory and Losman is now the starting QB whether Mularkey wants to admit it or not. Hopefully everyone is on the same page and realizes that the best thing for this team right now and for the future is to have JP Losman on the field.


There could have been a lot of things to complain about today if the Bills had not come out victorious. Coaching continues to be sketchy at best and the offensive line continues to struggle. Why is Mularkey admitting that he made a mistake by starting Mike Williams at Left Guard AFTER the game? Does he not get paid to understand when someone is and is not ready? I am still having a hard time figuring out why he insists on using gadget plays on 4th and one. Aside from coaching, I think that this team is headed in the right direction. I truly felt relief when I first saw Losman marching out on to the field for the first time in 5 weeks. There was a feeling that all was right in the football world and it seemed that the whole stadium knew it. We no longer have to discuss about who gives the Bills the best chance to win because that question was answered yesterday. I Don't think it was a bad decision to give Holcomb the nod in week five as it looks like Losman needed the time to reflect on his mistakes and get his emotions in check. JP came out swinging and his new attitude is everything BUT new. He is finally playing the only way he knows how (with a chip on his shoulder.) He knows how fast his job can be taken away and I don't suspect that it will be happening again any time soon.


Although it is going to be tough to make up the one game difference that separates the Bills and the Patriots, it will be nice to see the team progress around Losman. Management should have a pretty good idea about JP by seasons end and will be able to decipher whether he is the QB for years to come. The road ahead is not pretty as the schedule looks very ominous. I still believe that the loss to the Patriots in Foxboro will prove to be the game that everybody will look back and say "that was the one that got away." New England's schedule is a cake walk compared to what lies ahead for Buffalo. There is excitement in the air as the Defense stepped it up big time against a potent Chiefs Offense. What fans will have to realize is that Losman will still make his fare share of mistakes as he continues to get more comfortable with the Offense.


Overall, I think it was a pretty good team effort yesterday and if the Bills can figure out how to limit a team to less than 100 yards rushing, it should prove to be an interesting finish. Although nobody likes to see a player injured, it was good to see Losman was not just handed the job again. He was forced into the game and he PROVED that he deserves to be the starter again. There should have been a healthy competition during training camp and pre-season instead of just giving him a job that he was not prepared to handle. It was great to see his confidence soar and just let the ball fly. Take a collective sigh and enjoy the victory as the Bills will now get ready for their toughest game of the season in San Diego. It's a new season and Losman is not looking back!

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You know, MW did not look ready to start at RT after preseason; Gandy looked like twice the player on the opposite side. I was pleasantly surprised to see him perform much better in game 1 against Houston - - he was moving faster and looked like a different player. Unfortunately, I think that's how big Mike is. This gives me some reason to understand "throwing him in," though this time he looked significantly worse.

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Although it is going to be tough to make up the one game difference that separates the Bills and the Patriots, it will be nice to see the team progress around Losman.



Sure you can....IF we can beat the Patriots at Buffalo....Plus if we can take

care of the Jets and Miami in their stadium, we may have the tie-breakers..


But then, it is one game at a time....We are a LOOOOONG Way from the

playoffs.....I am more interested in the growth of the Losman for the long-term

of this team.

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I also have had that opinion for a long time. It will really suck, though, if we start peaking in December and miss the playoffs because of our miserable start.  :blink:



Considering the 2nd half schedule we have with Road trips to San Diego

and Cincinnatti and tough home games against the Patriots and Carolina,

I doubt we are going to be peaking in December (sure would love to though).


It is imperative that your young QB gets a taste of these tough games from

wich he can build his game on.....

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