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To those of you at the game.

Mile High

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quarter. Did you see how that happend? It looked to me that Willis provoked it..... He was doing his "ride the horse celebration" after he got the last first down before the two minute warning. Kinda funny. And then during the whole two minute warning he kept doing it, completely out of the huddle while standing on the line of scrimmage taunting the defence. The next play the Chiefs d were all over him and thats when the fight broke out. It was a good one. Not sure if they showed it on tv.

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Not sure what started it, as it was at the other end of the field from us. It was pretty cool though. :rolleyes:


After Villereal got ejected he was walking back to the locker room and he got a rousing ovation. He walked in front of the wall and was shaking lots of hands as he went by. I wonder if he got fined. <_<


It was a much better rumble that the idiot on the ledge of the rockpile section that almost fell over as security was taking him down. :(

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Not sure what started it, as it was at the other end of the field from us. It was pretty cool though.  :rolleyes:


After Villereal got ejected he was walking back to the locker room and he got a rousing ovation. He walked in front of the wall and was shaking lots of hands as he went by. I wonder if he got fined.  <_<


It was a much better rumble that the idiot on the ledge of the rockpile section that almost fell over as security was taking him down.  :(




My understanding is that if a player is ejected, a fine is automatic from the league..

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I can't remember the name of the KC dude who was on McGahee, but he was repeatedly slamming McGahee's head into the ground like he was pounding Captain Lou Albano against the turnbuckle. It's was totally !@#$ed up and it'll be interesting to see how much the dude gets fined.

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I watched on TV, so I don't know what got KC worked up (besides a loss).


But after the run on first down, there was was a defender on top of McGahee at the end of the run repeatedly pushing his head into the ground after the whistle. Bennie Anderson saw this and lunged at the guy, and pushed him off. As a few Chiefs went to grab him, CV saw what was happening and stormed in to support his teammate.


As a long-time hockey fan, I went from thinking Bennie was undisciplined as usual to appreciating his support (and CV's) of his teammate. Tell me you wouldn't want one of our linemen to go after a defender blatently pummmeling McGahee when the game outcome was (nearly) certain.

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I can't remember the name of the KC dude who was on McGahee, but he was repeatedly slamming McGahee's head into the ground like he was pounding Captain Lou Albano against the turnbuckle. It's was totally !@#$ed up and it'll be interesting to see how much the dude gets fined.


At first I thought that's what was happening - but I think what the guy was actually doing was trying to rip the ball out with a continuous "sawing" motion - and Willis' head was just getting in the way :rolleyes:


Have to say - regardless of his play - Bennie earned some respect from me for being the first guy to jump in there and have Willis' back (or more correctly - remove 300 lbs of lard from Willis' back). Remember days gone by when our OL used to stand there like a bunch of impotent tubs of goo when our skill players were disrespected?

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This all leads back to the hit Fletcher gave Trent Green after an earlier INT. The Chiefs weren't going to let that pass without getting even.


Much as I hate to say it, that was a cheap shot. Legal, yes, I know. But totally unnecessary. It was like...as soon as the pick took place, Fletcher went wabbit huntin' for Green.
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I watched on TV, so I don't know what got KC worked up (besides a loss). 


But after the run on first down,  there was was a defender on top of McGahee at the end of the run repeatedly pushing his head into the ground after the whistle. Bennie Anderson saw this and lunged at the guy, and pushed him off. As a few Chiefs went to grab him, CV saw what was happening and stormed in to support his teammate.


As a long-time hockey fan, I went from thinking Bennie was undisciplined as usual to appreciating his support (and CV's) of his teammate. Tell me you wouldn't want one of our linemen to go after a defender blatently pummmeling McGahee when the game outcome was (nearly) certain.



This is how we saw it as well from the stands.

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quarter.  Did you see how that happend?  It looked to me that Willis provoked it.....  He was doing his "ride the horse celebration" after he got the last first down before the two minute warning. 




Willis was on the ground and a Chief was "giving him the business." I thought MW was going to get tossed when I saw him jump into the fray - I couldn't see what CV did, but I like the fact that they took up for each other - espirit de corps and all - as the game was essentially over and getting tossed from the game didn't hurt us.

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Much as I hate to say it, that was a cheap shot. Legal, yes, I know. But totally unnecessary. It was like...as soon as the pick took place, Fletcher went wabbit huntin' for Green.


I agree. He should save that kind of stuff for Brady. :rolleyes:

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Not sure what started it, as it was at the other end of the field from us. It was pretty cool though.  :rolleyes:


After Villereal got ejected he was walking back to the locker room and he got a rousing ovation. He walked in front of the wall and was shaking lots of hands as he went by. I wonder if he got fined.  <_<


It was a much better rumble that the idiot on the ledge of the rockpile section that almost fell over as security was taking him down.  :(


they took that guy down hard. If you looked at the ledge after they carted him away you could see most of his skin from his head and arms. It was great. he made it a long way before someone actually got him.

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It was a much better rumble that the idiot on the ledge of the rockpile section that almost fell over as security was taking him down.  :blink:


That takedown was about a section away from me, I was expecting the guy and security to go sliding down the roof of the suite into the section below.

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Saw the whole thing. Willis was taunting them during the TV TO, making these gestures to them and seemingly being a little to brash for someone who averaged, what was it, 3 yards a carry with no TDs and very little impact. But anyway, he was pretty funny and I was shocked after his little routine that he got left in there beacuse I knew he was in for it on the next play. And sure enough, they went right after him! Then karma reared its head and he fumbled.


I like the guy, but he should do more running with his feet than his mouth until he wins something.

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